Zone of truth should effect everyone in 15' radius so depending on where Perry is sitting, it might effect people's role-playing decisions if they plan on lying when the spell is still up.
Yeah I was picturing either of those options, depending on whether people wanted the stranger in the castle or not. Either way it would be far from town.
What other means would people like to use to verify the intent of this new trickster that wants to join up?
Yeah I didn't want to put a ton of effort into exact wording of questions, etc. Since Velon has been talking more than enough already and just went through this with Mari. Haven't thought too hard on it but I'm not sure of a great initiation procedure for the Blaze to avoid enemy infiltration. Perhaps truth spells and a watchful eye will have to do?
Take no offense to Velon, Gknightbc, he's just frustrated with everything going on and a variety of people wanting to chat with him and address varied concerns all at once.