Nikolaos will give bardic inspiration which is a d8 and guidance which is a d4 to whoever rolls.
Edit: I suggest leaving one sending stone at the castle in case of trouble.
Edited: Kingowlbear on 8th Feb, 2018 - 3:42pm
Good call on the stones. I could have Velon buy a second pair such that the party has a pair (In case they are forced to split up) and so one can be left with Esmerandia at all times.
At least we have the Sending spell, but I know it's once a day or something of the sort.
He can't use it on himself but Perry could use one if willing.
As far as having the party split Nikolaos picked up a horn of silent alarm so he can communicate quietly up to 600' away, 4 times a day.
Edit: looks like Zarra posted so we should probably go with her rolls.
Edited: Kingowlbear on 8th Feb, 2018 - 5:19pm
Wait a second, I thought using inspiration was an advantage not a d8 roll… or am I getting bardic inspiration mixed up with the inspiration mechanic? Of any case of bardic inspiration, if it is a d8, I'll see about rolling that here.
Edited: Thomaslee on 8th Feb, 2018 - 5:37pm
Bardic inspiration is a d8 and is a separate mechanic from inspiration. Much like the problem with spell level and other uses of level in Dungeons & Dragons it's easy to conflate.
Only one person can get the Bardic Inspiration at a time, unless you keep singing non stop? Same with Guidance - only one person gets the benefit until it's used and cast again. If we are all adding to Zarra, she'll be super-tracker!
Advantage, History, Guidance, B.I. What else?
Nikolaos could always polymorph himself into a bloodhound or a wolf to help out that way. He would need someone else to cast guidance though because they are both concentration. .
Edited: Kingowlbear on 8th Feb, 2018 - 6:42pm