Cinder, I agree. If all Poppo does is hold stuff and do utility, then we really shouldn't consider him as getting a fair share of the things we find. If ChristianD comes back, by all means count him in.
On a PS - Perhaps our inspiring talker could inspire us again? A few of us have lost the temp HP.
Edited: Gknightbc on 16th Feb, 2018 - 6:37pm
Oh, I don't even care if he gets a share of gold or a wizard's item Lawrance already has or anything else like that. I'm not looking to punish the player for having RL stuff going on.
I just don't want to let him carry the teleportation scroll, a cult mask, this sweet level 5 scroll, Velon's only picture of him momma, and other irreplaceable group/plot items for in-character reasons only to be told they have evaporated if ChristianD decides to leave the game for Out of Character: reasons.
In the hopefully unlikely event ChristianD does not return, you'll have a chance to retrieve recent things and any group items.
For anyone wondering, please see his intro thread for why he's absent.
Edited: daishain on 16th Feb, 2018 - 7:20pm
Gknightbc inspiring leader only works once per short rest. I don't think we have taken one since the last time Nikolaos doled it out.
I've obviously never mentioned how much I distrust deals with evil beings. Clause,sub clause and over thinking to death, and you'll still get hosed. As they say on Deevil, make a deal with one, and you'd Better count your fingers, toes,relatives,friends,etc.
Yah, that is always something to be careful of. Still, I'd rather make a deal with a devil then a demon as I can at least depend on its Lawful alignment keeping it from outright screwing us over. We can at least know that if someone unexpected happens it is because we missed something with the contract.
I'm going to try and recap what we learned in this post so we have a summary that's easy to look at.
Info about Varram
1. A group did pass through and they went through the eastern door
2. They seek a legendary, powerful divination scrying pool
3. No other groups, other than ours and the dwarfs, have been through in years
4. Came with a dozen others, well armed, had a cleric of low strength and at least one arcane magic user
Info about Diderius
1. Orders to devils were to prevent damage to this place, and its contents, and otherwise defend this place, his life, and that of his servants. Last order to them was to gather and await further instruction and occurred over a thousand years ago
2. Devils cannot leave this place or this plane until his soul does
3. Diderius' heart no longer beats, so the devils are no longer bound to prevent harm to him, but his soul is still here
4. He has become a deathless. His soul is bound to his crumbling carcass.
5. Not really dead until his soul is destroyed, or it leaves his body. Former is very difficult for mortals to achieve, the latter won't happen until whatever magics he used to bind himself have been disrupted. Destroying the body and sarcophagus would likely do it, though it may be prudent to study what can be studied first. Optional: If we can get in contact with a Marut, they would likely be willing to take care of it. Maruts are automatons who oversee the cycle of death and take care of people who try to cheat it
6. He is a deathless, not a lich
7. Possesses most of the same strengths and weaknesses he did in life
Info on traps/monsters
1. Entry hall statues can drive someone who looks at their faces insane
2. Chimera mosaics in the room past that can supposedly attack intruders. Unknown trigger
3. South of here is a golem that demands tribute, but he's mostly just there to intimidate penitents
4. Sloped hall with a boulder trap
5. Nest of Yuan-ti.
Edited: seath on 19th Feb, 2018 - 3:33am
Yep, that works.
If people are ready to move on, we can do so.
If there are still questions to ask, ask them, and we can just assume you nipped back to bother the devils again, they aren't going anywhere to their frustration.