Dang it, no one just tried on the mask before properly identifying the thing
Okay, since I'm sure no one's going to mess with it after I describe it in character : The mask makes the wearer appear invisible to themselves, and imparts a compulsion effect to make them ignore/rationalize evidence that they are quite visible to everyone else.
Could've let to some really amusing antics.
In regards to shopping, let me know what you're up to and have someone roll Diplo. One roll for selling and one for buying. With advantage on each since you'll have help, but without inspiration, guidance, etc. That'l give me a guide for pricing.
Edited: daishain on 10th Apr, 2018 - 8:54pm
Oh, we'll make good use of that! Let's trick our enemies into thinking it's one of THE masks.
Funny, I'm pretty sure Perry wasn't in the room when one of the wizards identified the item. Yup, just checked, really sure *wink* Velon thinks Perry might like to be invisible without concentration…
Dai, will you be having a break before the next chapter? Or do you have resources to continue straight away?
So we can all start making changes to character sheet now?
With his Persuasion of +12, I'm hanging with Perry for shopping goals.
Dai, I presume by Diplomacy you mean persuasion?
Shopping numbered for easy handling
1) Lawrance/Poppo are buying these spells:
Level 3 - Fabricate, Catnap, Life Transference
Level 4 - Private Sanctum, Wall of Fire
2) We are also selling the castle mage spellbook which contains 69 levels of spells
3) selling the Mask of Pseudo Invisibility
4) selling the Sphere Key although it's mainly for the metal
5) selling the two ruby eyes
6) Selling +1 Longsword
7) Selling Robe of Disguise
8) Selling Robe of All-seeing
If anyone wants to change the selling items, speak up soon *smile*
After we tally up the totals, not including the spells which Lawrance & Poppo will be funding out of pocket, everyone will get 10%.
Could Perry please roll for each of these items?
Edited: Gknightbc on 10th Apr, 2018 - 11:01pm
I can roll for each individually if needed, but the way I read Daishain's request was to have one roll for selling and one for buying. Are we roleplaying any of this shopping or just sort of handwaving it in this thread? We aren't in a city/town and don't yet know what shops are available etc. I'm going to continue the roleplay in the main thread and try to get us there for now.
Also, I'm going to roll an Insight check here to see if Perry smells anything fishy from Velon before I respond so I can see how Perry will react to these shenanigans.
We will be arriving in the Dwarven city fairly quickly, so this would be occurring there. You may be right about the single buy/sell roll. We usually handwave basic shopping, unless there is something special going on. Lawrance spends a lot of cash, so he wants money *smile*.
Adding to the list of spells to buy: Slow(3), Black Tentacles(4).
Edited: Gknightbc on 11th Apr, 2018 - 3:28pm
I will also be shopping for spells, and a crystal ball Lawrence, plus I will need Perry's +12 persuasion help.
You and Poppo aren't the only ones needing spells. As I will be a full spell caster from now on.
I will update with my shopping list soon. I thought some others wanted some time to pick out spells also?, Perry? Lia? Velon?