I have been lucky in combat, but that one was obscene! Two attacks per round, and advantage on each by using Reckless. One round I had two crits (Each attack), the next round both hit, but no [Critical Hit]. The next 3 rounds, one attack critted, while the other merely struck… it was crazy! Since then I have rolled merely slightly above average.
Okay guys, I need at least a decision on where the group is going next. It sounds like its between the sea of moving ice for Maccath and the horn, or the high forest for Neronvain and the green mask.
Or maybe Waterdeep to do some more thug baiting? .
Poljen has satisfied his thug-baiting jones for the moment, thank you. Either works for me. Morgaine might be useful heading north to the Moving Ice (Or whatever it is called). But Lia has connections in the forest… you know, I think the forest is closer, so I vote that way. But if most want to look for the horn (And maybe get a powerful wizard in our debt to boot), that works for me as well.
I think a lot of people had expressed interest in the forest and Jade Fang initially so let's go do that. Hopefully it only takes a couple of days in game and they can swiftly move on via the speed of the castle to the fishing village in the sea of ice.
The forest sounds great to me. We haven't fought a dragon in a while *wink* Keeping the masks from the cult is our top priority to keep Tiamat from returning. That's my vote anyways.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 21st May, 2018 - 12:11am