Is there anything that would prevent a shapeshifted dragoness in human form who is pregnant from turning back into a dragon, like harm to the child at all? I could see the argument made that such magic could cause issues… or would I have to make a roll to get such an answer?
That would definitely require an arcana roll to get a definitive answer. It's not exactly a question with a common knowledge answer. Good luck.
Or you could just piss her off to find out.. .
Edited: daishain on 12th Jun, 2018 - 2:51pm
Whoops, posted in the wrong thread, I will leave the Out of Character details here and the roll.
It may be by someone else's Arcana roll, as my drow isn't proficient in this skill but I will still make the attempt. Others may have a better shot at knowing the answer to the question.
Also, mattering if Lawrance makes the roll needed for the +5 bonus, I will just be adding the +2 for Intelligence bonus for now. If it works out, we can simply add the bonus to the total.
Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Jun, 2018 - 3:12pm
Lawrance isn't entirely certain, but suspects that dragons would have few problems overcoming the potential complications of shapeshifting with child, and may even fall into the same category as druids, with the process helping the unborn along the path to mastery over one's form.
So what, should we just have one of us trying to snag the mask invisible when the elves are not looking?