Yep. Anything you pick up while invisible becomes invisible as well. I'd be more concerned that the mask is alarmed somehow and will alert the bad people, who will then try to do bad things to the good people. Picking the mask up and moving with alacrity, while they are not looking at it, seems the best course of action. Also, if you get away with it, it will be an AWESOME coup de la count! Edited: Gknightbc on 12th Jun, 2018 - 5:25pm
Given that its come up a few times before, I'm surprised you guys forgot about a dragon's blindsense, which is by RAW unbeatable if the creature has line of effect to the sneaking thing.
I don't like unbeatable things, so I did give Zarra a chance with the stealth roll, but she didn't quite meet the DC, which was set to 25 to reflect how powerful the ability is. Edited: daishain on 12th Jun, 2018 - 7:08pm
In response to Knight's query:
-You guys had control of the timing, so you can claim to have summoned one steed for each in the party.
-On the not so good side, you're about 2 minutes out on phantom steed back.
For those in the cave, the dragon cannot actually see you or what you're up to, she can just tell that there's someone present who shouldn't be, and roughly where they are. If you can think of a way to use that to your advantage, by all means have at it. Edited: daishain on 12th Jun, 2018 - 7:22pm
I didn't want to metagame that, but I had hoped our sneaky types would be really sneaky. Ah, well. There goes the shutout. Lawrance has only fought one dragon before, and it never really came up. Zarra should invest in a Ring of Nondetection *smile*.
As far as the 2 minutes go, retreat is the better part of valor, unless the Arcane Trickster could Mage Hand the mask invisibly and pull it along for the exit run. Also, stalling & playing hide and go seek might be a good way to let the outside group catch up. Edited: Gknightbc on 12th Jun, 2018 - 7:25pm
Heck, for that matter, simply grabbing it in hand and running might be the way to go. It might not break Invisibility (I am not clear on the rules enough to make that call). That way if she gets hit, there is no Concentration check to keep the Mage Hand up. And both of the rogues can do Bonus Action Dashes, to go with their Movement and possibly Dash for actions… Poljen can Bonus Dash only when Raging, so even with his slightly faster speed, he can't guarantee to be faster than the rogues…
Oh boy, this escalated quickly. It's important to note that a dragon's blindsight only works out to a distance of 60 feet. If you can speed demon out of there with bonus action dashes and a full sprint, then you may have a shot once you are out of that range since she will have disadvantage at targeting you guys as long as you don't attack or cast spells. Depending on how large a room this is she may not be able to transform into big angry dragon mode. If she can though, the breath weapon will be a real bummer. Better drink those potions quick!
Bummer on Zarra's earlier rolls though, I just went back and checked her stealth rolls and across 4 rolls none of them were above 10. So even with expertise and advantage from Invisibility it wasn't enough. Yikes.