Lia will be beyond furious if she finds out that Nyzahr gave him invisibility and encouraged him to do that. There is a good chance she won't find out though. I doubt she speaks to Poljen for a while after this.
Glad I could help Ash. I play a bard in another 5e game here so I have learned a lot of their rules.
Paul, I miss Corren *wink*.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 28th Feb, 2017 - 8:03pm
Wait a second, one of Geoffroy's attack rolls was a natural 20, how did none of his attacks hit? The rest I can understand, even perhaps the 14, but the natural 20 I think should have meant something.
Am I confusing the effectiveness of rolling a 20, especially during battle?
Edited: Thomaslee on 1st Mar, 2017 - 1:11am
You only get one attack with a crossbow per round Thomas. The only shot he got off in round three was the first one, which wouldn't hit anything on the field, let alone Cyanwrath. I assumed that you were rolling multiple attacks because you were going to keep firing in future rounds.
If you do keep shooting, that nat 20 will inflict a critical hit on whomever you choose to shoot, in round four.
Edited: daishain on 1st Mar, 2017 - 1:36am
Oh yes, my apologies.
For some reason I was thinking we were doing more than one round at a time, I can wait for that critical to hit an opponent in the fourth round… since the one storm lizard is down that would actually be Cyanwrath, unless something else comes up.
Edited: Thomaslee on 1st Mar, 2017 - 1:46am
With so many people changing ideas based on results, I think one round at a time is the way to go. It might be slightly slower, but actually just adjudicating each character and NPC before having the next character go can be useful. There tends to be less confusion and changing of actions.