I figured that the prince was still up but I just want to make sure all the HP are accounted for. And while I'm here, assuming the stone is finally broken, how far ahead is the prince? I am betting he is within the 80 feet his Move and Bonus Dash would allow, but if he is within the 40 of his Move, then maybe I can think of something else to do with a Bonus… not that Poljen has many bonus actions available to him…
EDIT: But if Velon and others block the tunnel, they could tell Poljen to run the other way and find his way out through the water… but he intends to drop that prince if he can!
Edited: PaulNelson on 21st Jun, 2018 - 4:08pm
Can someone mock up a quick 3D model of this fight, like maybe with some autocad or something? (Laugh) We might need a whole series of diagrams with the wall of fire up now. "Velon hits something and runs" might be my remaining posts, as I'm confused AF beyond that.
Edited: Cinder on 21st Jun, 2018 - 6:29pm
I knew that Zarra had been tackled and took damage, but didn't know the effects of being probe and pinned down. Thus means my drow can't cast spells?
How about talking? I'd rather srill be able to have Zarra show defiance and insult the dragoness. Even if she cannot do anything else.
Edited: Thomaslee on 21st Jun, 2018 - 6:39pm
Rolling Acrobatics here and I will update my post, where she will attempt to break free and get up before teleporting way.