You know, I had been thinking if we could pull it off to whack the dragon but bring the prince out alive, we could turn him over to his people… and they would owe us big time! But with how things are working, I am not hopeful. But you never know. It might shake out our way…
It's a good idea. Not sure of the best way to take him out without killing him, except maybe to simply say 'nonlethal damage' as he starts to look like he's faltering. Hold Person is always solid, but Velon's concentration on Haste, and this looks like it could last long enough that Velon is going to get stunned for a turn when haste drops, one way or another, as it is. Not sure what spells other people have that would fit.
I digress, however, as we should RP such ideas and strategizing.
Ok.... Hope this helps. This is the initiative order for this battle. Thanks Paul. It's all updated now.
Mari 26
Lia 23
Perry 21
Morgaine 15
Zarra 14
Lawrance 14
Velon 13
Poljen 12
Taz 6.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 22nd Jun, 2018 - 5:13pm
Finally! I was beginning to worry that my luck had fled, especially after that first round of attacks. But both of those should hit, and the second is finally a critical… all that lovely extra damage… good night sweet prince!