I should be able to begin replying in about three and a half hours, as I'm currently at a convention. Further information can be found in my Introduction thread.
Thankfully I rolled multiple times to attack, so you do have actions for Geoffroy. I will created a reply as soon as I can.
Edited: Thomaslee on 2nd Mar, 2017 - 10:27pm
Is Elanna within 100' of Sar'ai once she has reached the gate? She was left to sort of "Oversee" the battle from the towers of the fort.
The fort towers, or the guard towers at the gate?
If the latter, yes you were in range since about the time you arrived in position for the Faerie Fire casting.
If the former, no. You've got a ways to go before covering that distance.
A lot of our characters are carrying flasks of oil for lanterns. Whoever has that could pour it down there then we just need some type of fire from a spell or a torch. That would at least help until we get more flammables.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 2nd Mar, 2017 - 10:36pm
Kyr, I would like to remind you that the use of a healer's kit takes a full minute to apply, 10 rounds. It is one of the drawbacks I introduced when expanding the kits' function.
Are you certain you wish to tie Lia up for so long?
Oh never mind. Thanks. I was thinking it was a one round action. I'll change that.
Daishain, I don't know how you wish to rule that. Did the spell go off or did he leave before she cast it?
I thought I edited the rolls in the main thread but apparently not. My concentration roll was failed so bless is gone. Here is my cure wounds roll if it still counts Daishain with him leaving.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 3rd Mar, 2017 - 4:07am