Really? That sounds a little bit racist. Just because he's a half-orc we should be surprised he's offering some sensible advice? I think you owe him an apology, Lia/Kyrroeth *wink*
By the way, Falrun, you keep rolling for Initiative each round. That is not necessary. And I assume you are rolling d6s for your damage because the new weapon is 2d6, right?
Nyzahr just posted her actions for the next rounds.
Dungeon Master, let me know if she needs to roll anything to spread the content of her oil flask as she passes in a beeline behind Poljen: is she in sight of the enemy at that point?
The idea is for her to light the streak of oil as the enemy breaches the gate. We can assume she'll use Message to let Poljen know of her intention and wait until he pulls behind said-streak before her attempt to set it aflame.
Edited: AshDrunbar on 4th Mar, 2017 - 10:34pm
Don't need to roll anything. There are people firing through the area she'd be passing through, but thanks to the fog, they're firing blindly.
Bear in mind that a single oil flask spread over multiple squares is not going to produce an impressive wall of flame. They'd be able to step over it with little difficulty. Would you like to use several?
Edited: daishain on 4th Mar, 2017 - 10:54pm
Mmmh yes the idea would have been to create more surprise than real actual damage anyways.
Since she's only got one flask on her, maybe we can scrap that bit of brilliant strategy… unless she actually waits for Cratol to show up with more flamables and they actually get something decent together.
The other defence tactic Nyzahr will use is casting Thunderwave to bust through the obscuring mist and he enemy hiding within, but that would only be useful once the barrier is breeched and they start coming inside the city (Since otherwise there's a chance the spell could actually bring the gate's barricade down, right?).
Edited: AshDrunbar on 5th Mar, 2017 - 1:18am
Almost certainly wouldn't bring it down in one go, but it could blow away a lot of detritus and weaken supports.
I should note that waiting right there until the blockage is clear is likely to be risky. If too many pass their saves, they could make it quite difficult to get away.