People don't need Velon's permission to go bring the kids or the body down when the King has already instructed us to do so. I doubt anyone was worried that Velon would suddenly suggest they go against what they just offered to do for the King. Until we had the platform, HOW we were going to get them down was more of an issue since Daishain said there was nowhere nearby to land. I stuck around in the conversation with the King to subtly get back to the part of the conversation where he asked what more he could do for us, since we hadn't received any reward to that point (And to be nice to Zarra).
People don't need Velon's permission to extract parts from the dragon, swim out and tell the castle the battle is won, heal an elven prisoner, etc. Either. I already post plenty and it just bogs the game down. We should save 'permission' and gathering opinions from everyone for when it's life or death to the party, or other major things like which cult to go after next. Rogues should not ask permission, or 'offer' even, to check for traps, nor a wizard detect magic (If our wizard can detect magic, that is). JUST DO IT. There is no harm that can be done. If one cannot tell the difference between an action that should just be done and poses little to no risk to the group versus waking a sleeping dragon, that's a separate issue.
With regard to PC's needing leadership before acting, I've never been in another Dungeons & Dragons party that had to elect a leader. I can see a need for it here to help break up debates and choose a path, but not for mundane tasks.
Edited: Cinder on 20th Aug, 2018 - 8:42pm
Can we just hand wave all the logistics at this point? I'm fine with 'we are all safely together again at the feast'. We are making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be. I haven't worried about the specifics of it since it isn't a combat. I'm expecting Daishain to fade to Black this chapter at any minute and for us to level up *smile*.
As to needing a leader Cinder. You should have seen the group without one. Half the party were loners who would just wander off doing their own thing. Lia told the other characters that we were basically a group of people travelling in the same direction. We weren't an adventuring party at that time. I agree with you Cinder regarding mundane tasks. It bogs the game down unnecessarily to wait to be told what to do in that manner. I'm all about keeping the game moving.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 20th Aug, 2018 - 8:56pm
I'll keep that in mind, when I want to do stuff, then. I guess I'm thinking of those times when someone will choose to do something that jeopardizes the group's goals, just because they post before everyone else. If I had assumed that someone flew up and notified the left-behinds, we never would have found out about the nifty platform, and would have been hoofing it through the woods from miles away. That's the kind of thing I mean. Unnecessary delay.
Again, if people can't tell the difference between taking big risks and creating trouble for the group and doing mundane tasks like helping injured elven children, that is a separate issue. This is not permission for someone to go do something really dumb and then say "You said not to ask anymore."
I do remember back before Geoffroy or Lia were leader that people were running around being reckless (Ahem, Cratol, constantly, ahem) so sure, lump that in with the need for a leader to help the Dungeon Master keep things moving by making final decisions, etc. I still think there's a big distinction here. We've had bad stretches where people didn't do ANYTHING without asking the leader, only to be followed by a period of people doing ridiculously risky things without asking. Why ask for permission to put on your shoes and then go sneak off and taunt a whole dungeon full of enemies? Perhaps it should be the other way around? Don't offer to put on your shoes, 'someday maybe will help' someone put on their shoes. Velon puts on his shoes. Done.
Cinder, I've seen your comments about the group previously suffering from terminal indecisiveness, so I understand your viewpoint. Some things don't need a leader agreement, but the times when we sit outside a lair or what have you and everyone chooses a different approach to attack are TPK-worthy. I'll assume more with this group and see how it goes, or just gloss over the needed (As I see it) interactions to progress the character.
Totally with you on the 'sitting outside the lair' scenario. I missed the planning (Vaca) for the first shot at Chuth. Went pretty well overall though, with the 3 stealthy folks getting the mask, but then got rough when people couldn't decide if the 'snatch and grab mission' was a 'snatch and grab mission' or a 'fight everything at once after aggro'ing the whole dungeon' mission… Oy!
One strategy folks can use is, if someone does something in the present tense, then just piggyback off what they did and assume you are there OR set the first sentence up as if you are playing off their action. Let me show you what I mean:
Example 1: "Perry offers to help go to the castle and bring down the elf kids."
Example 2: "Perry goes to the castle and brings down the elf kids with the aid of the others."
Now, which of these two is easier to piggyback off of? Let's pretend I'm Lia now and I'm trying to post after Perry in the timeline.
Example 1: Nothing has happened so my post goes, "I will help with the children." Or some other generic post that doesn't help move things along because, again, no action is there to play off of.
Example 2: "After arriving to the castle with Perry and the others, Lia pulls a child aside and says.... Before helping to bring them down to the elf encampment."
See how example two flows better because it's happening in the present versus some hypothetical future scenario? It's just a lot easier to play that way when people act rather than say they ready an action.
EDIT: Lawrance, the reason I brought this up in the first place was because you were just complaining about this exact problem just a second ago. Because no one ever said, "I call up Lawrance and tell him to prepare the kids and the egg," people kept posting in the future tense so that the message never reached Lawrance which meant you couldn't really post without making it really awkward or making assumptions. Basically, I agreed with you.
Edited: seath on 20th Aug, 2018 - 9:51pm
Seath, I do recall having going back up to the castle, present tense. He didn't need to ask permission, from Cinder.
While, there offering to help with the other tasks, present tense. But you have a valid point, for future reference on mundane activities, just mentioning that he isn't offering, but actually doing it makes sense.
Totally agree with Cinder here, there should be no confusion with mundane, tasks here. There isn't a need to ask for permission. Of course preparing, to go into a lair, or attacking should require planning, discussion first before doing it.
Don't forget the time delay between posts, not everyone is in same time zone either.
Edited: anronrosby on 21st Aug, 2018 - 3:38am