Cinder(Velon)- Do you wish Morgaine to do melee or ranged in this battle?
I will post in main thread once I know and her reactions and such.
Susan that is 100% up to you. Obviously group strategy and facts about the situation should always be taken into account, but I don't think we've planned or learned anything here that would prohibit either strategy. It's all situational and is up to your judgement on each round of combat.
I think what we have learned is that these wizards in their construct will be dangerous and unpredictable. We thus need to steer clear and let them do their thing, but luckily Winter said their range isn't too far. Otherwise we know they have both casters and non-magical fighters, Cyanwrath is particularly dangerous, and he may have some sort of head caster type. I think each of us will just have to see what happens, react in the moment, and take out as many targets as we can once we charge in.
I'd keep both the bow and the sword at the ready *wink*.
Sorry, posting rolls here.
Init, whirlwind damage, anything else that comes to mind.
Trying to spot obvious mages in their little cluster.
The Robe doesn't give True Sight, however. Just Invisible, Ethereal and DarkVision. Edited: Gknightbc on 14th Oct, 2018 - 2:45am
Even though Lia's initiative is before Poljen's, I won't bother rolling the Bless rolls, since I think his rolls hit anyway. Daishain, if that is incorrect, and either or both miss, let me know please. I will then roll the Bless dice. Nice work, team! I think with our surprise round we are going to seriously knock them back on their heels a bit…