Tallis isn't there, but if Cahleth thinks back, he thinks he can recognize a few of those profiles.
I'll go ahead and confirm that it is a part of that group, the ones who had mounts on hand and could move swiftly to catch up.
Whether or not the rest of them are on the way, well….
Edited: daishain on 27th Mar, 2017 - 1:53pm
One Drake left, it is currently harrasing Poljen, but is also looking very nervous. One wounded horseman, he's currently running off to the north.
Two more are over by the father, one of them has fallen out of his saddle due to currently being paralyzed, the other is squaring off with Lia.
He is indeed within range as he didn't get a chance to spur that horse to full tilt this round, go get em.
Bear in mind that Poljen will risk an AOO from the last drake, but I'd be inclined to say that's not a major concern.
Abnninja, no problem it happens. However, it seems you forgot to add in the attack rolls, might want to do that before the 30 minutes are up.
Edited: daishain on 27th Mar, 2017 - 4:08pm
I thought I had them in there and I just got back from a meeting… two minutes late. I put the rolls here if that is okay. I could have sworn I had them in there. I must have done something to make them disappear… like hit the back arrow to check on something or another.
Edited: Abnninja on 27th Mar, 2017 - 4:31pm