Out of Character: Kresnik isn't using his own Alchemist's Fire? If he is I need damage.
I will take one action from Theaton as he happens upon the unconscious troll, and 2 more while it's blind and before Jesla arrives.
I passed the first check right on DC 10, then passed the next three, failing the fifth. So the troll may get to -1, but then it fast heals 5, so stops dying. Does it lie unconscious forever? I think so. Sounds like quite a mythical-style ironic imprisonment. (See also: drowning in a curative pool?)
In Character: A lot of the mud simply doesn't fit, despite its large gob. The troll seems unfazed by the mud sliding down its gullet until Theaton gets to the shore, when its veins start to bulge and it spasms. Kresnik has already placed some distance between him and it, about 160'.
Out of Character: the alchemist's fire only lasts for two rounds, if I'd used it right away, it wouldn't be active for the moment of death, which is when it is most needed. So yeah, left it for the people who'd reach shore after he did.
And yeah, seems like an unpleasant fate. When I thought of that way to keep the thing down I added an item to my list of ideas for evil PCs and NPCs, 'platoon of perfectly pickled trolls' Kresnik was only willing to do what he did because he figured it would just never wake up.
In Character: Kresnik keeps running, quietly cursing his stubby legs.
Edited: daishain on 7th Feb, 2017 - 2:36pm
Out of Character:
Yes, I'll stick with my previously stated actions. My summons actually move even faster than my mount. 90' flight speed for the silvanshee agathion, 80' swim speed for the celestial dolphins, and just 60' land speed (Currently) for my phantom steed. The summons last for 6 minutes and I assumed with my instructions they would have taken off at full speed. Chances are the silvanshee would get within ear shot and alert the others that dolphins are waiting in the water to rescue them.
Once he gets to the shore Theaton sees the alchemists fire sitting there he picks it up and uses it on the troll before him. After that he heads towards where Kresnik headed. He draws his bow as he heads that way in case there are more to contend with. He will glance at Jesla indicating her to follow when she gets on shore.
Jesla sees Theaton's nod and races after Kresnik. She senses that she will soon lose control of her form and runs all out. Jesla roars in frustration as she runs.
Out of Character: : She will sprint until seeing the trolls. Jesla will then attack the nearest one unless the other troll is more threatening to the other group. If she loses tiger form before reaching the trolls she will draw her great sword and continue running. I will have to reroll her attacks if so.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 7th Feb, 2017 - 6:38pm
Mykael will do as Archival suggested and attempt to use one of the summoner's dolphins to ride across the river where he can attempt to engage the remaining trolls.
Theaton grabs the Alchemist's fire and throws it at the troll before him. It burns slowly but surely.
The three of you begin to make your way upriver. Jela in tiger form, passes by Kresnik and catches up to Theaton, before she can no longer hold it and turns back to human.
Jesla snarls as she passes Kresnik. Just as she catches Theaton she feels her rage waning and her control of form slipping. In midstride she changes back into her human form. The barbarian almost falls as she shifts. Fatigue overwhelms her and she can no longer run. Jesla curses and is only able to walk towards the scene now. She hopes her friends can handle the situation. " I can no longer run Theaton. The shift back has drained my strength. Be careful my friend. "
Out of Character: : Well that is frustrating. The fight will be over with well before she reaches it. Sorry she will be unable to help. I'm regretting not putting some ranks into swim now. .
Edited: Kyrroeth on 8th Feb, 2017 - 1:12pm