Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red - Page 33 of 91

The small fire elementals blaze into existence, - Page 33 - D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Posted: 9th Feb, 2017 - 2:43pm

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Post Date: 8th Feb, 2017 - 2:05pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red - Page 33

Hitching a ride over with the other dolphin, I move 10 feet behind the frontline so that Mykael is between me and the enemy. This way if any of them decide to rush past him, they will provoke attacks of opportunity. Calling upon the plane of fire, I summon forth small fire elementals to flank the enemy trolls. "Heal whomever rejoins melee combat or needs it the most," I instruct the silvanshee as the elementals blink into existence. "If you need respite - take a dolphin to the other side of the river!" I direct the battered three. After using lay on hands, the silvanshee will use Heroic Strength and tear into a troll.

Out of Character: I have used half of my summons so far! 16 Initiative from p. 30.

Celestial Dolphin
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dexterity, +1 natural)
HP 15, Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2, SR 5
Resist Acid, Cold, and Electricity 5
Diehard, Weapon Finesse
Speed swim 80 ft.
Melee slam +5 (1d4+3)
ST 16, DX 15, CN 17, IQ 2, WS 13, CH 6
BAB +1; CMB +4, CMD 16
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., blindsight 120 ft.; Perception +9
Smite Evil 1/day - As a swift action (Adds Charisma bonus (+0) to attack rolls and damage bonus equal to HD (+2) against evil foes; smite persists until target is dead or the celestial creature rests).

Small Fire Elemental
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dexterity, +1 dodge, +3 natural, +1 size)
HP 15, Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
Immune elemental traits (Immune to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, critical hits, flanking, precision-based attacks like sneak attack), Immune to Fire
Weakness: Vulnerability to Cold
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
Speed 50 ft.
Melee slam +5 (1d4+3 plus Burn)
Special Attacks: Burn (1d4, DC 11)
Burn: Deals fire damage in addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. Those affected by the burn ability must also succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire, taking the listed damage for an additional 1d4 rounds at the start of its turn. A burning creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. Creatures that hit a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the burning creature and must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire.
ST 14, DX 13, CN 14, IQ 4, WS 11, CH 11
BAB +2, CMB +3, CMD 15
Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
Languages: Ignan

Silvanshee Agathion
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dexterity, +1 natural, +2 size)
HP 17, Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3; +4 vs. Poison
DR 5/evil or silver; Immune electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, sonic 10; SR 13
Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft. (Good)
Melee bite +6 (1d3-2), 2 claws +6 (1d2-2); Heroic Strength bite +6 (1d3+3), 2 claws +6 (1d2+2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks heroic strength, pounce
Cat's Luck (Su): Adds Charisma mod as a luck bonus on all saving throws. Once per day as a standard action, it can also grant this bonus to one ally within 30 feet for 10 minutes.
Heroic Strength (Su): Once per day, may grant itself +8 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 minute.
Spectral Mist (Su): Can assume an eerie, mist-like form roughly the size and shape of a cat. Same effect as a gaseous form spell, except it retains its own DR and supernatural abilities and can move at its normal speed. Can remain in mist form up to 5 minutes per day. This does not have to be consecutive, but must be used in 1-minute increments.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +3)
Constant - Know Direction, Speak with Animals
At will - Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Stabilize
1/day - Dimension Door (Self plus 5 lbs. Of objects only), Lay on Hands (1d6, as 2nd-level paladin)
1/week - Commune (6 questions, CL 12th)
Diehard, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse
ST 7, DX 15, CN 16, IQ 10, WS 12, CH 13
BAB +2; CMB +4; CMD 10 (14 vs. Trip)
Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10
Languages: Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; speak with animals, truespeech.

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Post Date: 8th Feb, 2017 - 2:52pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

Kresnik speaks the words to a spell, and those with him feel as if the world around them slowed. "I should have thought of this before, run swiftly friends, I think I can hear conflict ahead! I will catch up as I can."

Out of Character: casting Haste on Kresnik, Jesla, and Theaton. +30 to base speed (+20 for K), extra full attack, +1 to attacks, AC, and reflex. It will only last for the next six rounds, so hopefully they're not too much further off.

Post Date: 8th Feb, 2017 - 4:10pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red Archive Pathfinder / D&D

As soon as the trolls are within range for Theaton he will start shooting them. He will be using his feats.

Out of Character: Not sure how the added haste will effect his full attacks so added a couple more arrows to each attack just in case.

Post Date: 9th Feb, 2017 - 2:54am / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Page 33 Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

Jesla feels an unnatural speed come over her. In spite of her exhaustion she makes exceptional time. She now draws her great sword in the hope of shedding troll blood. The barbarian feels uneasy about the magic but knows she will never reach the combat in time otherwise. She cries out to Gorum " Our Lord in Iron be praised! Let me not be too late Gorum!"

Out of Character: : Her AC is temporarily dropped down to 14 due to fatigue. I re rolled her attacks due to her change in form etc.

Reconcile Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Feb, 2017 - 2:55am

Post Date: 9th Feb, 2017 - 3:01am / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Red Run Rivers Kingmaker Pathfinder Icons

Out of Character: Re-rolling my arrow damage as I goofed up the dice should have been a d8 instead of a d20 +2. Sorry about that.

9th Feb, 2017 - 3:41am / Post ID: #
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Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red

The Diplomat says...

Kyra, with relief yet confusion at the odd sight yet gives a whistle calls upon her horse so as to be better able to aid those who became her rescuers. Of those who had come into sight, one especially left an impression as he came in riding in on a dolphin and seemed to have a celestial that looked surprisingly similar to her own familiar.

Looking to Akil, the you paladin considers what she might be able to do. Yet there was still a troll right behind her which made a swap at her but thankfully missed. Holding up the scimitar which she had gotten back, Kyra goes to attack the troll and have him back off a bit to buy herself some time so the others could get to her.

Specific Action: Kyra will go to buy some time with a retaliating attack, trying to keep herself safe until the others get to her.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 9th Feb, 2017 - 3:33pm

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9th Feb, 2017 - 1:17pm / Post ID: #
Hand of Fate
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Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2 Rivers Run Red - Page 33

Game Master says...

Out of Character: Unfortunately, Jesla is still about a half a minute away - not in sight yet. Theaton is a few rounds out and has endurance, he won't be fatigued. And your own horse is nowhere in sight, you'll probably have to track it down. However, Kyra doesn't know any of this as fact.
Kyra does know there is one troll that just took a swipe at her and missed.

Diramadhim - do you want to actually pick a target for the Silvanshee's heal, and will it do any combat afterwards. This time around I'd prefer you to roll, please.

Aericsteele, knowing they are evil, will you smite? And I would still like the iterative attack rolls please. Or will Mykael take other actions?

Is Theaton taking any shots from outside his range increment, or moving to within 110 feet?

Note to all, in case you missed it, these are young, medium-sized trolls.

And I'm very sorry about the asymmetrical battle, but it's an unusual situation, and you are out in the overland wilderness rather than a dungeon. If you had played differently, used the terrain to your advantage or something, the enemies would have to take as much time and make as many rolls as you have.

Post Date: 9th Feb, 2017 - 2:43pm / Post ID: #

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red
A Friend

Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2 Rivers Run Red D&D / Pathfinder Archive - Page 33

The small fire elementals blaze into existence, flanking a troll, and immediately begin slamming themselves into it. The silvanshee heals Akiros, uses Heroic Strength, then flies in a pattern to not provoke an attack of opportunity as it flanks the enemy for Mykael.

Out of Character:
Yes, the silvanshee will attack after using Heroic Strength to buff itself.

The following are four rounds of attacks and damage for each summon in combat, except for the silvanshee which uses lay on hands the first round, Heroic Strength and flying to flank the second. Normal combat for it starting on the third round. Silvanshee damage on bite is supposed to be 1d3, not currently an option so (D6/2)+bonus.

Don't forget your +2 for attacking a flanked enemy starting in the second round of combat Aeric biggrin.gif.

> TOPIC: Icon's Pathfinder Kingmaker 2: Rivers Run Red


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