The young paladin considers the group with curious light brown eyes as he moves her long, wavy black hair from her face. Kyra was somewhat tall, though others there were more so, wearing armour and clothes practical for travel yet distinctly showing from where she was from with bits color and vibrance woven in though the battle before had diminished this somewhat. Now at her waist was a well made and crafted scimitar with symbols and details of her faith.
Kyra nods, but feel the woman may regret it later if they have to exert themselves farther. On her works involving trolls she says, “Perhaps, especially since they generally lack the intelligence to be reasoned with. I will not try such again until at least I can speak giant, and then I may simply try to redirect their attention.” Though not all could be redeemed or even reasoned with, did not mean there was not others ways of handling a situation without a fight.
Still, on principle she did still disagree but for now Kyra left such discussion be. Now was neither the time nor place for such. Instead, she turned to Jesla and considers the silvanshee. There was something almost familiar about the creature but she could not place it, still her gaze did turn to Akil for a moment.
She nods to Archival and Mykael, offering a small smile as more was offered on Jesla, though her attention was distracted momentarily by the dolphins. Kyra then turns as Akiros is addressed, and wonders how much the two she traveled with was known by the others.
At the words of Mykael she says, “As it is a pleasure to meet you.” Though there was respect between there orders, Kyra admitted to herself she sometimes felt follows of Ipmadae were often overly swift to deal out justice though their hearts were generally in the right place. Both often wanted the same thing, but their methods were different.
She considers Akiros' words, and his exchange with Mykael, before the conversation moved to the subject of crossing the river. “Wasn't there a bridge at some point along the river? I am willing to go across though, the heaviest thing that I wear being my own armour as well perhaps my backpack.” She did hope they got back to her horse soon, still concerned for him.
If Kyra was honest though, the group did seem pretty creative in finding solutions to problems. They did appear to be much more experienced then she, despite her own talents and gifts. She too also gets ready to cross.
Out of Character: My apologizes for the long post, there was much to reply to. I had been unable to reply before now as I was at a friend's house and stayed up late.
Kresnik hesitates before speaking, "I am afraid earlier today we discovered that the bridge was destroyed some time ago by the Stag Lord. What's more, the bridge's keeper, Davik, was murdered there, and is bound in undeath to the location. We will have to deal with him at some point, but there is some question as to how. Destroying him would be difficult, and may not even be enough to release him from torment."
"For now, you can take the phantom and ride West. It can outpace your runaway horse easily enough. Or we could go together, but it could take a while to catch her that way."
Nodding at Kresnik's words, I add, "I think we should finish our short exploration and then take Akiros, Hegin, and Kyra to Freehold. When we get there, the rest of the month can be spent however each individual chooses. I will likely use my summons to attempt to end Davik's torment before our next council."
The concern on learning such new was clear on her face, and Kyra considered what might be done to help ease the suffering of the man now undead. Yet the young woman did not before there was much she could do.
Nodding, she says, "I will take the phantom steed, catch my own mount, before rejoining you while avoiding trouble." Kyra did not wish for a repeat of the trolls incident.
Walking back to the rope takes a good 4-5 minutes as Kyra rides ahead, following the obvious hoofprints and finding the horse grazing two hills away.
Out of Character: Without the stress of combat and trying to perform quickly, you can take 10 on the climb checks.
Do all agree with continuing exploring? If need be, Hegin can take Airos to Freehold to process.
Edited: iCon on 12th Feb, 2017 - 1:26pm
Glad to have found her steed, she spends some moments to make sure he was calm and well. As she did, Kyra checked to see how badly wounded he was. The paladin's concern was true, despite being unable to bond with her horse as others like her.
Once finished, with Anil jumping on to ride with her as he had on the phantom steed. If which, Kyra was uncertain what to do with as she did not know the duration of the spell or if it could still be out to use by another. However it works out, she'll make her way back to the others.
Edited: Thomaslee on 12th Feb, 2017 - 2:24pm
Akiros understands Mykael's sentiment about not letting him out of sight, and gladly comes exploring. By rope, swimming or magic, you all get across the river.
As you explore Akiros doesn't slow you down, matching the speed of the gnomes' giant gecko and pony. You explore the remainder of the hex in the few remaining hours of day. The next day you finish off the 12-mile area southeast of Nettle's crossing (Black 3 on map - which I still have to update). The third day you explore south of the Sootscale Caves, the small bit west of that and the sliver of land east of the river in the Freehold hex.
Thus, after a good 3-4 months since meeting the man, you finally complete exploring the land Mallius Vand expected of you!
You are in your capital hex, but a river separates you from accessing it, 400' wide here at its mouth. You can try to get to Freehold, or continue exploring for the sake of your own kingdom, rather than the Swordlords of Restov.
Out of Character: Even though some people contributed less to the fight and to exploration, I will distribute XP as though it was 1 huge encounter stretched over a great distance, and as though everyone finished exploring the land.
For the 1 adult and 3 young trolls: 5200/7 = 743 XP each
Kyra can have an extra 200 XP for her solo near-death experience.
For completing the exploration charter: 400 XP each.