Jesla is concentrating on tracking Theaton. Her brow is furrowed as she studies the ground. Luckily she had picked up the scent in tiger form to enable her to continue tracking. She hears the roar of the river up ahead. Looking up Jesla sees Theaton and White Fang. " Well, here they are. Something must be wrong. This is a long walk to just be alone. "
Walking up she calls out before getting too close and startling them. " Theaton, what are you doing here? We were worried when we noticed that you were gone. Is everything okay?"
Out of Character: : You are far from a terrible GM Icon. There is nothing wrong with being strict about the rules. How many rounds of tiger form would you say she used up during tracking for record keeping purposes?
Theaton looks up as the others are approaching. "I am ok somewhat. I have been visited by Davik. Seems he is following through on his threat just like I figured he would. I had hoped that killing him would have taken care of his threats but I was wrong. Now I need to commune with nature and see what I need to do to finish this."
Edited: KNtoran on 17th Feb, 2017 - 1:37pm
I head toward the lake to carry out my summoning and searching for the Stag Lord's headless body. "Please let others know I'm riding ahead," I aske of Hegin, Akiros, and Kyra. "I will be near the fort to help everyone across."
Kresnik frowns and says, "He has touched you in your dreams? Hmm, it seems I was wrong on that front at least."
"Please friend, listen to me this time. The dead who remain on this plane, not at the whim of some necromancer, but rather for a purpose, are often difficult to say the least to permanently dispatch by force of arms. It can be done of course, but it often requires channeling stronger divine magics than any of us are capable of. Attempting to dispatch them by the sword often only adds to the suffering of an already pitiable soul."
"Every curse is different, but usually, they are best dealt with by either letting them accomplish their task, or convincing them to let go of their obsession. At which point they go to judgement without the need for strife. Your actions have likely robbed us of the chance to do the second, but at least the first is not an unacceptable demand."
"For now though, I may be able to help shield your dreams from Davik's intrusion, I don't know how effective my spell will be, but it is worth a try. I am sorry for what you are going through, as well as for the lecture. Will you accept my aid?"
Out of Character: If they are willing, for the next few nights, Kresnik will be casting Protection from Evil on Theaton and Jesla once each shortly after they go to sleep. Provides a +2 bonus to saves vs the effects of evil creatures, and allows a reroll against an ongoing enchantment affect. Not an incredibly solid defense, but its the best he can do for now.
Edited: daishain on 17th Feb, 2017 - 3:31pm
Kyra kept quiet as everyone went about their way trying to find what had happened to their wayward companion. Theaton 's disappearance leading to many accusations from those wishing to think the worse of the situation.
The young paladin sighs, Akil coming near and she taking him in her arms as he whispers, "I think that I know what needs to be done, but I am still unsure how to explain it my friend." She is not sure what advice her familiar might give, but perhaps some guidance can be offered.
Theaton looks at Kresnik, "I am not worried about him being in my head for now. Like I said I need to commune with nature for a while and take care of this my way. Your offer is greatly appreciated but right now I do not need the aid of a spell from you. I will be ok. Take my horse and stuff back to town. I will be there when I finish here."
Edited: KNtoran on 17th Feb, 2017 - 6:51pm
Jesla looks at Theaton with concern evident. " It's dangerous out here alone Theaton. Let me stay here with you. I can help White Fang watch over you. I'm involved in this as well. Davik might invade my dream next. I prefer to be in the wilds as long as I can anyways.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 18th Feb, 2017 - 1:04am