Jesla listens as Kresnik explains his viewpoint to her. She nods as he speaks. The barbarian has a thoughtful look on her face. " Ok… l" She cuts off as she hears Kyra speak. Jesla clinches her fists as she glares at Kyra.
There is a feral look in her eyes as she locks gazes with Kyra. " I have to listen to the others speak on this. Some of them are my superiors and they are all my friends. I don't know you and you don't know me. Do not preach at me. Following your beliefs would have you in a troll's belly now if not for us. I worship Gorum, not some soft god. I will hear no more on this from you. " Jesla looks to the others. " I will not participate in this. You will find me here when you return. "
Edited: Kyrroeth on 20th Feb, 2017 - 7:33am
Out of Character: I'm loving this dialogue, it writes itself! (From my perspective anyway)
Yarrow isn't there, only the two nixies Bal and Neenah. They are small and can't really help anyone cross, but can ensure people don't drown. There would be no problem for Archival to be heard across 300' but the shouting is a little undignified.
So, who's staying and who's going? Which side of the river do you want to end up on? Plans for camping the night? Further discussion?
Out of Character: From the sound of it, Theaton is planning on going to the ruined bridge with the fey separate from the rest, though how he plans on arriving there first I'm not sure. Jesla is staying behind, and Mykael is joining Archival's group, all of whom are continuing on.
It seems like it would be easiest to work on getting Mykael and his mount across the river rather than everyone else.
As to camping, how far is it to Davik's crossing from here? I think most of us are invested in dealing with this matter as swiftly as can be managed.
Edited: daishain on 20th Feb, 2017 - 2:15pm
Yes Theaton was planning on the heading upriver with the Fey. He will allow them to assist him in the river if possible otherwise he will walk along the bank with them beside him. He will tell Jesla. "I will return here once I have seen this through unless you wish to accompany me on this side of the river."
Theaton will stay on the side of the river he is currently on.
I take all wanting to onto the North side of the river. "There is no point in crossing over to the South now to only have to cross back over afterwards. If we can't make it to Devak by nightfall, it appears camping out will be in order. We will each take a turn at watch." Turning to the guards, I apologize, "I am sorry to trouble you on your days off. As a show of gratitude, I will give you each a 10 gold bonus. Hopefully that will allow you each to enjoy your next day off a little more," I add, smiling.
"I am not going there to appease the undead or the spirit. I want to to put a end to him and his menace for all. I have a feeling that him being able to blackmail our leader may not go as he planned and I tend to make sure he does not harass or bother another."
Jesla grins at Theaton. " I can go along with that. Now that you put it like that..I'll go along with you Theaton. If he tries anything he will be disposed of in a very unpleasant manner. My tiger form needs some sparring practice. " She shoulders her gear.