Theaton and Jesla come to the conclusion that the skeletal being from their dream was Charon, a Horseman of the Apocalypse, specifically of Death. He is the ferryman of souls to the Abyss, but you know no further information, such as where exactly you dreamed you were.
Having returned to the rope spanning the 300' river, everyone stands ready as Archival lowers the body into the water. Again, Davik's body comes to life and rises from the rubble downstream, ranseur in hand.
As Kyra question him, he says, "This hurts nobody, you claimed he was already dead. I cannot be sure this will work but it is him that I want dead with every fibre of my being. Petty revenge to be sure, but so sweet." Davik seems to be honest.
He walks over the water to the body, and says, "No head or helmet to recognise him by. These scars and wounds are washed out and unrecognisable, they could be from anyone."
He leans down, "But I feel a mote of life linger within, I may recognise that." As Davik touches the Stag Lord's headless corpse, he breathes "Yes, this is him." He grabs the body and pulls it down under the surface. Jesla is briefly reminded of the horrors she witnessed in her dream. A steady stream of bubbles appear and then everything goes still. Davik's ranseur emerges from under the water, washing up a few feet downstream of Archival.
Out of Character: The nightmares cease after this and you can return to town safely to hold further meetings and continue your downtime activities (I may need a reminder of what those were). Or you can keep exploring - I forgot to mention the Fangberry thicket when you came across it, but it's not that important.
There was excellent discussion on both sides, I really enjoyed it. Just because one line of argument was wrong, doesn't mean effort was wasted in being vigilant. This can also lead to clarification of laws.
Theaton sighs in relief that nothing has occurred after giving the sacrifice to the undead. He turn to Bal. "What do you feel in the river? Is your river clear? Can you start to remove the collapsed bridge and bring it to this side of the river?"
He looks to Jesla. "I am glad we do not have to fight. Lets get out of the water a rest a while as we decide what to do if we can get a peaceful rest."
Theaton will move out of the water and set up a small camp at the edge of the river.
Kresnik sighs in relief, "Then it would seem to be over. Mykael, could you assist me in ensuring Davik is truly gone? I cannot sense alignment as you do."
Out of Character: Kresnik will walk out onto the river, using Detect Poison and Detect magic. The former should pinpoint both bodies if they remain. The latter is just in case. If he can find the bodies, he'll direct the paladin to where he can scan them with Detect Evil.
Kyra gives a sigh of relief, after hearing Davik's words which appear to her to be the truth as he took the body of the Stag Lord with him. It went much better then a few thought it would though if the young paladin was honest she'd admit to hoping for more.
Looking to Akil she says softly, "We did it. The deed is done." Kyra was pleased, all things considered and felt the worry she had inside life a bit. Still, it appeared there was work that still needed to be done and at Kresnik 's words she offers, "I could see if any evil still lingers, if you need the senses of one attuned to such things."
Bending down, I pick up the ranseur and salute with it. "May your soul finally know rest, Davik Nettle's. May we use the events surrounding you to guide our future actions." Nodding to Theaton and Jesla on the other side of the river, I make my way back up to the others and mount my phantom steed, staring at the river where the two bodies submerged. After a minute, Caelum reappears. At that time I assist Kresnik by also using Detect Magic in the area, allowing Caelum to guide the mount while I do so.
Upon everyone's inquiries on Davik being satisfied, I state, "Let us be on our way. There is much work to be done, many discussions to have, and even more plans to be made in order to secure the future success of Kamelarn and her capital of Freehold." With that, I urge my mount forward, hoping to make good time.
With our arrival in Freehold, I pen a letter and have it sent to Oleg - inquiring if he is aware of any new tasks or requests for our domain.
Out of Character: ICon, what's a Fangberry thicket? Is it a resource hex we can build on for a bonus to economy?
I agree, the discussion was productive. We now can move forward on where our laws have jurisdiction. I would argue the entire unclaimed region, especially if we are to want to show we are forward thinking and actual nobles of the area. We can also discuss laws relating to duels. I know Mykael was wanting to bring up with Archival Theaton's duel with Davik - maybe that's something Mykael can broach, since Archival has no knowledge of his desire to discuss it.
Jesla goes a little pale as she sees the corpse submerge. Gripping the sword expectantly she waits. Noticing nothing happening she sheathes her sword. " Well, I'm disappointed we didn't have to fight. I quite enjoy it. " She grins. Jesla steps carefully back out of the water and to the shore. She nods back to Archival as he passes by on the other shore. " Theaton, I suppose we will never hear the end of this. All of the others will point out that we were wrong. " She squats down and grimaces.
Jesla studies Theaton. " We might have been wrong in this one instance. We could have been just as easily right though. " She looks to the fey creatures. " So Theaton, how did you find such interesting friends? I don't know anyone but you that has fey friends. "
Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Feb, 2017 - 12:00am
Mykael steadies himself and grips his sword as the undead creature approaches the body, forcing himself to stay his hand and not attack. He watches as the body of the Stag Lord is drown down into the water. Once the scene is still again Mykael, and at Kresnik's request he reaches out with his divine sense to try and determine if any evil aura remains. If he does not detect any evil he sheaths his sword and reports this to Kresnik and Archival.
Kresnik feels a faint whiff of transmutation magic of the water domain, before it fades. Similarly, Mykael senses evil, but it fades over a period of minutes.
The weapon also gives off a magic aura, Archival figures out it is a +1 ranseur.
Nothing attacks as you camp the night, Theaton and Jesla are well rested and healed.
It takes 2 days to return to Freehold, without issue, and you all arrive for further discussions. There's about a week left in the month of Arodus, before you have to decide your plans for the next month. Before the start of next month, Oleg sends his reply that he has not heard of any developments, but a road would be useful.
Out of Character: I'm not sure Detect Poison would reveal the bodies, but they are still there, underwater and motionless. It would count as a disease, but there's no long-range spell for that.
The alchemist Bokken was asking for Fangberries, way back at the start of the adventure - surely such fetch quests are beneath you now? The resource hexes are the silver mine the kobolds live in and the gold vein.
So does anyone do anything in the remaining week, or just kick back and relax? What changes to laws, or new laws are you proposing? (The longer you discuss, the more time I have to update the maps and the previous set of laws).
Finally, everybody gain 400 XP for completing Davik's quest.
Edited: iCon on 24th Feb, 2017 - 9:52am