"Yes, that is correct for the most part," She admits to Kresnik, expecting such questions, before Kyra continues as she answers in consideration, "It appears that the path before me may be that of a diplomat, with so often my words having a powerful effect on others even that of performing a stirring monologue which can inspire courage, compliance or fascinate others while as a paladin I can detect the evil in other's hearts."
She continues, adding as she offers what she is capable of, her skills, and talents, "I'm a linguist, knowing apart from the common tongue eight other languages. Whether I am to converse in the native tongue of my people of Kelish, that if dwarves, elves, halflings, orc and goblin, as well those of fey and nature with sylvan or that of celestials. In addition, with the desire and aptitude to learn many more languages as time goes on."
Looking to her familiar, Kyra finishes with the words, "Finally, with Akil by my side to offer guidance and direction so as to make the right choice. Perhaps appearing as simply a common house cat. Yet with an intelligance far beyond as well his connection to the will of my goddess in which I worship, Sarenrae." As such, with yet another bow of her head, the young woman grows quiet.
Edited: Thomaslee on 1st Mar, 2017 - 3:18am
Mykael greets Hegin and the other new arrivals warmly, but throughout the meeting appears anxious and often tugs at his armor while the pleasantries and mundane details of running the realm are discussed. He knows the issue of Theaton and Jesla will have to be addressed at some point but it is not something that he is looking forward to. Per the norm he stays quite during meeting, not offering a great deal regarding realm management as he recognizes this as being more within Archival's realm of expertise than his own.
He does give a brief report advising the others that he has been working toward building a small volunteer militia since they do not have the resources to create a proper army but he still feels that it is important that the residents have some means of defending themselves; he suggest that it may be prudent to provide some simple weapons for the militia in the meantime, though he may be able to fund this with his own money if the realm cannot afford any.
Out of Character: : You may have already told us this, but if you did I must have missed it. How many days of downtime will we be working with? I would like to know so that I can figure out exactly how Mykael will be using it.
Jesla smiles to the others as she arrives and sits down by Theaton. She shares with everyone about how any potential unrest has been quelled. Sitting back down she sits tight lipped while waiting for the discussion about Davik to begin.
Upon Kyra speaking Jesla eyes her curiously. She listens to see what the young cleric has to offer the kingdom.
Out of Character: Ooh! Maybe Hegin, Kyra, and Akiros can compete for the Grand Diplomat position by having a Verbal Duel! Then we could all see what it entails. I have ideas for additional contingency positions regardless of the outcome.
I would prefer the stability roll to be preformed by Marshall Theaton - I will try to avoid rolling kingdom checks for you unless they occur in the background.
I was also hoping you would discuss the situation surrounding Davik first, so I could have a few days to myself to update the kingdom sheet, then get into the kingdom building. If you all don't mind. Before the Edict phase is also a good spot to do it.
You had a week of downtime in Arodus, and will have ~ 3 weeks in Rova after this meeting and every subsequent month.
In Character: Strangely enough, the citizens for which you want to mediate, do not believe Archival to be impartial enough, as a representative of the kingdom. Many of the current arguments are between officials and citizens and often Archival is told to "Get a real job," as though rulership was somehow easy or a privilege.
Mykael is off to a slow start training men. At the moment there are plenty of farm implements used as weapons in the militia rank - threshers used as flails, pitchforks substituting tridents, scythes, sickles, hammers, daggers, staves, slings and even a few bows among the hunters. Naturally, they use the weapons in their intended use as tools, but are slowly grasping a different style more appropriate to war.
Theaton stands and gives his report on what he feels is the state of the country as a whole. He will tell all that are gathered that he feels the country is coming together nicely and all are doing a great job at making it a great place to be.
Out of Character: I for one was unaware that the meeting room itself was crowded with bystanders Icon. I thought they were outside.
I don't think any here would be inclined to let the conversation about Davik become a public spectacle in any case.
Out of Character: Kingdom stability was +16, then the quarry was built and token promotion started for another +2. Theaton's result is 24 against the kingdom command DC of 22 +1 for the hex you claimed. Just makes it! The unrest from the sensational crime event goes away and it's now zero. The event is still continuous.
Nobody stopped the others from coming in. This is your opportunity to shoo them away if you don't want them around. However, any debates that break out will have fewer witnesses.
I don't know what Kyra, Akiros and Hegin would have a duel over. I guess you could do something akin to debating practice…