"I agree, we need every hand we can get working on building this community into something real. Trying to maintain proper soldiers takes men we cannot really spare away from other things."
"This castle, paired with a supply of decent arms, should suffice for our defensive needs for the time being."
"As to the case of the dead unicorn. I presume most of us would prefer to assist in investigating the matter? I feel this could be a very ugly matter. Shall we take some of our men with us?"
Out of Character: unless there's space for another farm, I can't think of another worthwhile improvement at the moment. Perhaps build to future needs with more homes in the city?
Out of Character: We have a hired bunch of mounted archers. Can they not be the ones who for now protect the realm as our standing army until we are able to recruit and train people as our population grows?
Theaton will tell the others to refresh their memory of the slain unicorn we found in the rotten vegetation a while back. "I wonder if this new unicorn has something to do with the first one we found. Sounds to me that we may have something bigger going on."
Jesla smiles grimly at the thought of finding who killed the unicorn. " Justice will be served. We will catch whoever did this foul act. I look forward to it. " She looks at Archival. " We have warriors sufficient now. You hired those horse archers which I was apart of originally my lord. I can vouch for their effectiveness. They aren't as good as Kellid cavalry is but who is? " She laughs.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 9th Mar, 2017 - 8:14pm
Kyra listens as the role in which she is being offered is explained to her. She is interested, yet a look of uncertainty can be seen on her face. About to speak in question of such an offer, the young paladin feel a certain feline at her feet seeking her attention with a meow as could be heard by the others.
Kneeling, for a moment so as to be more eye level, the two communicate with Akil saying, "You should accept this offer, do not hesitate or doubt this opportunity was not by chance." Yet the feline did not seem willing to see much more, not to explain why or for what purpose. Instead that Kyra should simply move forward without concern of whether or not she may stumble.
Kyra shakes her head before asking, "Are you sure, is that why I am here?" The young woman see the cat give a brief nod, perhaps left unnoticed except by those paying attention. Still a bit uncertain, she trusted her friend and through such made her decision on what she would say. The paladin just hope she would not disappoint and that it could be shown that she was a fast learner.
Standing, she looks to Archival before saying, "I shall accept, and understand the responsibility." Pausing for a moment as she considers those in which she will be working with as well a glance to a certain feline, Kyra continues, "Though he will not go into the details of why. It appears this is why Akil has guided me on the journey that led me here." It seemed pretty clear, but the paladin was still a bit frustrated he could be so cryptic.
She offers a bow, before saying, "I am humbled by the offer, and as I said before Akil was not and to a degree still isn't forthcoming on the details of why I traveled except simply that I must journey. Yet at his insistence, I feel becoming Grand Diplomat may be the purpose I am here and I am honored to do everything I can." Kyra, was already considering how she might help.
Out of Character: Sorry, for my lateness of posting. I will take a look through the link given and start planning out how Kyra will go about fulfilling her responsibilities and use her free time. Still though I will say, outside of her duties as Grand Diplomat, I do plan on having her go up a level through experience gain, so Akil can reveal his true form.
Edited: Thomaslee on 9th Mar, 2017 - 11:02pm
"Then welcome aboard. I am confidant Kamelarn will benefit from your efforts"
Out of Character: Your principle responsibilities are very simple, show up for 1 week's worth of work every month. By all means describe in further detail what you're actually up to, but that is all that is required just to do the job at hand. Bear in mind that if you don't show up for whatever reason, not only does the kingdom not get your bonus for the month, but suffers a growing penalty.
In regards to downtime xp gain, it only allows you to gain enough xp to equal whomever has the most in the group. In this case, that would be Theaton. He is not L7, so you can't level up by that method at present. Of course, I rather suspect that this side quest with the dead unicorn will help get all of us closer to that mark, if not over it.
Out of Character: To clarify, The dead unicorn is at the black 11, i.e. The same exact spot. If you think you have the skills and spells to investigate the area better now, feel free to head out.
"Hmm… " I ponder aloud. "I think they might have just stumbled upon the same unicorn corpse from our previous travels. Looking at the map and the description of the area, that seems more likely." Tapping my chin for a moment, I look to the others, asking, "Do any of you happen to have the means to communicate with the dead? I know the spell is typically divine in nature." Turning to Theaton I ask, "Do you think you could inquire with the fey to see if anyone in the area saw something?"
"I may have the skills needed to help" Kyra offers, considering how she might be able to help. Still she continues with the words, "Admittedly, while divine, I do not believe speaking with the dead is among them."
It is distressing to hear a unicorn being killed, though Kyra was curious if one detail as she asks, "So what do we know of unicorns?" Admittedly, she needed to think back on what she knew of the creature.
Out of Character: Thanks, I will make sure she has at least that one week set aside. I don't believe there should be a reason that Kyra would be unavailable.
Edited: Thomaslee on 10th Mar, 2017 - 2:03pm