Out of Character: Not sure if you were serious or not about Theaton giving us a vacancy penalty. Rolling based on the stats listed & hoping he didn't lower it. Staying to finish your job is important. Failing to do so negatively effects the settlement.
Archival organises a method of checking all the citizens coinage for tampering with help from his new contacts at the Church of Abadar. Mykael and the cavalry archers along with Jesla work overtime, tracing evidence, making warranted searches, keeping the peace, and, with Kresnik's and Kyra's help, spreading the right story to keep everyone calm.
Soon enough, pieces fall into place and it's found that there's another perpetrator - a woman in Restov. However, Ilinica attempted an ill-fated prison break and was caught in Freehold. With the new evidence, the court case finally ends with a verdict of guilty and sentence of hard labour for 10 years. All three perps will be expected to build and maintain roads, first within the settlement, then outside.
The Abadarans come to town and begin meticulously checking and exchanging coinage - quelling any complaints from the citizens. With one action, you also collect your taxes in the form of gold-coated copper or silver pieces, as well as food and promise of labour. For some reason the people are very honest with the Taxmasters and Balanced Scales of the Judge of the Gods about and you rightfully earn every last copper bit.
Theaton will have a look around the whole area to see if he finds anything strange in the way of nature besides the unicorns untouched body. He will confer with the Fey to see if they can shed any light on what took place here. He will ask them to scout around with him to see if they spot anything he may miss.
Jesla eyes the scene curiously. She shifts into a nine foot long tiger with rippling muscles. She begins sniffing around the corpse of the unicorn and will seek any type of old trail or scent. Jesla will use her scent and tracking skills to see if she can find any hint of who or what did this.
Out of Character: : She will spend up to 10 rounds max doing this.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 17th Mar, 2017 - 3:13am
Mykael dismounts and draws his sword as they near the fallen unicorn; he looks about trying to discern if there are any threats in the area, leaving the investigation of the corpse to others more suited to the task.
Kresnik takes a close look at the body and the region it is in, sniffing with a wry face, and taking samples as appropriate.
Out of Character: Detect Magic is up, investigating any trace of magic in the area, looking for any hints as to the circumstances of death, and also looking for more mundane explanations on the rot found here, such as poison.
Kresnik would have helped encourage Jhod or others with the Speak with Dead spell to join the expedition. Had they refused, that morning he'd have attuned to the Ancestor spirit, asking for the Intercessor ability mentioned before.
I aid Caelum as he joins the search for clues. "If necessary, I could actually use a summon and ask it to cast Commune. We will only get 6 questions though, and the answers will be yes or no."
Out of Character: I've leveled on my sheet. I'll update the site's sheet when I get home tomorrow… Hopefully. I have a ton of stuff to do before I head to Chicago for training on Sunday.
There are tracks heading towards the site, but you'd been told that a pair of scouts came across the body. The tracks end and return at the body, where a dropped handaxe lies, 'Property of the Lumber Consortium' engraved on its handle.
Theaton's fey friends emerge at his call, the two nixies Bal and Neenah, grig Tyg-titter-tut, and faerie dragon Perlivash. They all look a little distraught, a far cry from their usual joyous behaviour. Bal expalins that after looking at the body there are no obvious wounds, so the unicorn must have succumbed to some form of instant death.
Theaton sees nothing out of place or unnatural, not on the ground nor in the trees.
Jesla's tiger form shocks the fey and as she starts sniffing around, the odour of rot is overpowering and the only scents are the party's and the fey's. The unicorn itself is strangely odourless. Neenah builds up the courage to approach, and begins waving her hands through the stagnant water. The places she touches begin to magically purify and give off less stench.
Kresnik feels no magic in the air around here. Is he taking any samples off the unicorn? Jhod had not been convinced it was a necessary use of necromancy and didn't want to witness such a despoiling of nature. He stayed to keep the settlement in order and proselytyze. The ancestor spirit whispers to Kresnik that it can feel death in the area - not very recent, but no so old that every remnant of its soul has gone.
After a thorough check, Caelum judges that this is the same exact unicorn that you found once and not an additional victim.
Mykael finds it easy to listen out for danger, the lack of birdsong keeping him alert.
Out of Character: I will take Knowledge (Arcana) and (Planes) checks from those with a rank in the skills.