Theaton stands near Neenah and encourages her to purify the water around the dead unicorn. Theaton will pull it out of the water and then start to dig a grave for the unicorn. Theaton will wish to give it the proper burial so that nature can once again take over this area and not have any thing bad here anymore. "I am unsure why this axe is here he states indicating the axe", he will pick it up to see if it matches the taking of the unicorns horn.
Jesla sniffs around and doesn't pick up anything useful. She revels in her tiger form and stretches languidly. She walks over to a nearby tree and digs her claws into it. With regret she changes back into her human form. Having noticed the fey's reaction to her she frowns. " It is just me my friends. I'm sorry you weren't aware of me being able to shift into another form. " She glances at Theaton. " Im surprised that you haven't been informed of that. I'm very much of nature as well. " She grins. Walking back to the others she informs them of what she discovered. She feels weakened and walks around slowly while recovering.
Kresnik sits down outside of the effected area, trying to think, "The axe likely belongs to the men who found the body recently, not the murderer. I suspect whoever did this has no need of such crude tools." The gnome shudders.
"In any case, there does not seem to be any magic lingering on the body or in the area. At a guess, I would assume that a particularly nasty spell killed the unicorn and everything nearby. But if so, all trace of the spell has faded since."
"The murder might have been done for the horn, such things do have potent magical properties, and a master of this manner of death spell would likely have little compunction over killing for it. A personal killing however seems somewhat more likely, this reeks of some terrible anger."
"The condition of the body is odd. There is nothing preserving it that I can tell, and while I suspect many creatures of the forest would be wary of it and this place, the more mindless vermin should have stripped and rotted much of it by now. Tyg, Perlivash, Bal, Neenah, can you offer any insight?"
"You should also know that some trace echo of this being's soul remains. I can use a spirit as a mediator, which will allow us to ask a single question of the unicorn. The answer will consist only of things they knew in life, and may be cryptic. One question is all we will get, so it must be a prudent one. For instance, 'Who killed you?' would seem to be the most important query, but if they did not know in life, we get nothing for the attempt"
"Perhaps we should make use of Archival's access to the Commune spell first, with some of the questions from that centered around finding out what kind of information the unicorn might be able to offer."
"We should also see if any witnesses may be found. Fey, animals, or other creatures who live near this area. I can speak with the simple beasts if none else can."
Out of Character: No samples from the unicorn's body yet, but Kr may ask if he can do so if other avenues continue to fall short.
Edited: daishain on 18th Mar, 2017 - 3:39pm
Bal points out the eyes, "They are pure white, that's not normal. Was she blind at the time?"
The fey all group together to confer with each other to pool their knowledge.
The horn was certainly not removed by axe, the clean cut suggests a little bit of burning.
Kyra sighs, considering the situation. She had been following the others, keeping quiet as she watches the others work before saying in frustration, "Yes in no questions are so often the most difficult, especially when you can only ask one question." The young woman wonders what they might ask.
The paladin decides to discuss what they need to find out, perhaps such leading to the party realizing what they could ask, "Lets decide on what needs to be learned, what details is most essentially. Though they cannot be used for the question, perhaps such can help us." Kyra admit, this may not be so helpful but perhaps it may lead them in teh right direction.
Kresnik says, "To clarify. Archival's indirect casting of Commune will get us 6 yes/no questions from a divine being. The one and only one question I can ask of the Unicorn itself can be open ended, but there's no guarantee of clear answers.
"Ah yes, my mistake," Kyra says, feeling sheepish for missing such a detail before with a bit more consideration says, "Well that should help. By having Commune cast first, those questions could lead to use asking the right question for the spirit of the unicorn." She looks to Akil, hoping that feline may offer insight as she asks for his advice.
Out of Character: Also, what was the experianced gained again?