Mykael approaches the tent with Theaton and as Theaton slaps the tent Mykael stands off to the side so that he is not directly in front of the tent's opening as he keeps an eye out.
As that is what she had been asked, though a far few details may have changed, Kyra was ready to follow in finding the trapper and questioning him with Jesla and the spymaster but they left before she could follow.
She had listened intently, nodding when she was asked to join in but otherwise leaving most of the details to the others more experienced in understanding their kingdom then she.
Kyra will think on what she knews, if anything, involving cures for lycanthropy though more importantly she thinks back to whether or not her religion had offered any cures for such. She will ask, "How difficult will it be to get Belladonna in poison form?"
Out of Character: I am a little uncertain with what I should be having Kyra do, since so much changed from when she was originally given directions. That, and Jesla leaving with the spymaster leaving Kyra behind.
Edited: Thomaslee on 26th Apr, 2017 - 4:52am
Out of Character: If either of you want Kyra or Kresnik with the party, feel free to place them there. The contacts can wait at the castle for your return. My fault for being out of sync.
Kyra would hurry after Jesla and the spymaster, to help them in checking out the trapper and lend aid where she can. Perhaps her diplomacy providing the dge they need in handling the situation.
Out of Character: My apologizes for not getting to my previous post and simply editing.
Theaton hears movement and after a few moments, the middle knot of the tent flap comes undone and a man with stubble and messy brown hair pokes his head out.
He struggles to focus on Theaton, Mykael and Kyra, as he asks in a harsh whisper, "What the hells do you want at this time of night? Who are you?"
When asked, he admits to being Glaf.
Jesla hears movement in the tent beside her, noticing a nosy neighbour peeking at the situation.
Out of Character: I prefer you not to edit your post with major changes because then how would my post make any sense? It doesn't have to be presentable.
Edited: iCon on 2nd May, 2017 - 1:31pm