Mental Health 2017 Goals
What are some of your Mental Health goals for the new year 2017?
I want to get to the point where I can better focus on the tasks at hand, better able to keep my attention on that [which] is important and not get distracted. To have a better self image and greater confidence in myself.
To complete more of that which I start, instead of leaving it incomplete or giving up and going onto something else. Where I don't allow myself to become discouraged and believe I can't do it.
I have a real problem with staying on task. Once tasks get repetitive or monotonous, I have a really hard time keeping up. I really enjoy the planning phase of things, because everything is new and there's lots to explore, but during execution (Even if it is really simple) things get boring for me really quickly because it is just repeating some known task. Like I built my own chest of drawers, and drew up plans and bought the wood, but then it took me 6 months to build them, because it was very monotonous to cut all the pieces of wood to the correct size and then to screw them all in the correct way and then to sand them all down to a smooth finish. I only finished because my wife hounded me to get the half-started project out of our living room, where I was working. I really wish I could find a way to stay task oriented and to be excited about seeing a project all the way through.