Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook
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Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner's Handbook (Hover)
New options for summoning spells, including expanded lists of creatures to summon, new planar templates, and options to create a guardian spirit.
New archetypes that allow bloodragers to become effective monster summoners, enable druids to summon elemental allies, and give summoners the power to counter enemy summoning.
Advice on dealing with different types of outsiders that can be called and bound, and two brand-new creatures appropriate for such magic.
Details on conjuring- and summoning-focused groups throughout the Inner Sea region, including the Blackfire Adepts, Bloodstone Conservatory, and Hellknight signifers.
New feats, magic items, spells, and other rules options to enhance your character's effectiveness when fighting against summoned creatures.