2 Men Face Hate Crime Charges For Beating White Teen For 'Enslaving Our People'
Original Post Date: 1st Oct, 2010 - 1:35pm
What a horrible case! They beat this poor kid for 4 hours just for being white! What do you think should be the punishment for these people?
International Level: Politics 101 / Political Participation: 9 0.9%
'Sickening': 4 arrested in connection to Facebook Live beating
Social media was abuzz Wednesday night over a half-hour video that appeared to show at least one black man torturing and taunting a white man and making disparaging remarks about President-elect Donald Trump. Ref. Source 5v.
Four suspects have been charged with a hate crime in connection with a Facebook Live torture video in Chicago.
The attackers in the video are black, and the victim is a white, special-needs man.
The suspects, two men and two women, have also each been charged with felony aggravated kidnapping, aggravated unlawful restraint and aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. Three also face charges of residential burglary. The suspects are to appear in court Friday. Ref. CNN.
It is bad that this hate crime was done… were the kidnapped victim Black I think the media sensation would be even bigger, but what really gets me angry about this crime was not that he was White… no, they selected someone that was the most vulnerable of society… a special needs man. As a father of three special needs boys nothing concretes my dislike for the ways of mankind than the targeting of those most vulnerable in society: the naive, the elderly, the children and the special needs.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 100%
Incidents like these do very much frustrate me, especially there so many that will try to deny or argue that such incidents are hate crimes just because the victim was white.
Seriously, the video originally streamed on Facebook very clearly showed it was racially motivated and that they were doing such terrible things because the victim was white.
Also, I agree JB, it was made even worse because of the person having special needs. Why anyone could defend such actions is terrible it itself.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 25 2.5%
The suspects were denied bail with the judge asking where there sense of decency was but in truth they had none, they even had the audacity to stream it live while they were doing it hoping to become popular over it, so no decency and no brains as well.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 12 1.2%
I honestly don't think their sentences should be any different if it were a black kid that they tortured for 2 days. There is enough range within the sentencing guidelines to penalize them extremely harshly and that is what they deserve. This is evil and inhumane… both words share a lot in common!
Source 7s
Don Lemon on CNN
These people are not kids any longer. Most of them were 18 (3) and of legal age to be considered adults. Listening to them laugh as they torture this kid is sick. They were charged with aggravated kid-napping (Minimum 5yrs), aggravated unlawful restraint (Min 15yrs), aggravated battery with a deadly weapon (Min 5-10yrs depending). There really shouldn't be any issue in getting convictions as they provided all the evidence needed and they should stay away for a long time. You can put the hate crime on top of it if you wish, but there is plenty on the plate of infractions that, if a jury wants to, they can be sent away for a majority of their lives as those were mins and the maximums were 99yrs for each.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 86.3%
This is a case of dumb kids doing dumb things but because delinquency breeds it is good that they were caught now before taking it to the next level of criminal behavior that could end in felony theft, rape or even murder.
International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 32 3.2%