Well again, Equestria could be a place where you can have a warrior who know of violence seeking peace who still fights if it finds its way too him. Admittedly, the approach to take care of the problem many need to chance. Still, one would still have plenty to protect.
Yah, though I would be a bit too tall and large to feel comfortable in the borrow houses of the hobbits. More, I do believe I would feel and look out of place.
Give me someplace with a great library, particularly one filled with magic, or perhaps a world simply filled with the wonders and creativity that magic can provide as well many mysteries to uncover.
Edited: Thomaslee on 27th May, 2017 - 8:02pm
I'm sticking to the world of the Silmarillion. Give me an epic. Love, sex, betrayal, loss, and ultimately vindication at great loss. That is me. I'd be one of Turgon's great captains fighting a Balrig at the sack of Gondolin so Idril and Tuor could make good their escape… hopefully with my wife and child in tow.