Superhero culture magnifies aggressive, not defending behaviors
Children who frequently engage with superhero culture are more likely to be physically and relationally aggressive one year later and not more likely to be defenders of kids being picked on by bullies, new research concludes. Ref. Source 8y.
This article makes sense. Kids don't really have the mental capacity to see deeper meaning in what is being shown to them. When a superhero goes in and beats up a bunch of 'bad guys' and 'wins the day', the kids only take away the message that the superhero got his way (Which happens to be good) by beating up whoever was in his way (Which happens to be bad). The kid then thinks that whatever he wants is good (Because in his mind, he is the hero of his lie) and whoever stops him is bad (Because bad guys are anyone who opposes the good guy, aka the kid). This naturally leads the kid to think that violence is the answer. The article concludes that it is the parent's job to talk to their kids about the larger themes and point out both the positive and negative aspects of what the superhero did. Kids attention spans are short and they need information more or less spoon fed to them. Have you ever watch Dora the Explorer as an adult? Or Mickey Mouse Club? They literally spoon feed whatever is going on to the kid and take long breaks to let the kid digest what is happening. That is not the case in many 'more adult' shows. It is the parent's responsibility to help the kid realize what just happened and why. Also the parents should be helping the kid differentiate fiction from reality, so they don't believe that there are literal superheros to make life "Fair'.