ROK II is different from LitRPG. While they have similarities in a story with an adventure ROK II goes further by providing a way for each participant to:
1. Create their own Character from the ground up rather than surround the adventure around an author's character.
2. Create a unique skill set for their Character in both level and style so you decide what kind of Character you will play rather than one imagined by the author.
3. The story has multiple angles and directives and changes based on your choices.
4. Players can change the story, add to it and so forth making them the authors of their Character and the world around them.
5. The feel is like being around a tabletop because you have a system very similar to using the D20 with stats and monsters that attack.
6. The world goes from solo, to leader to commander to king (Queen) and Ruler of Kings so its not just one dimensional. Try it for yourself: Start Playing ROK II
I do not know what LitRPG is but when I first read into ROK II I thought about the Choose Your Own Adventure books as being similar but then when I reached into the Town I realized its way more than that. I am excited to be part of it in its early stage. I was part of ROK I and I'd didn't have a story to follow like it does now.