PrincePhaedru the Hunter

Princephaedru Hunter - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 25th Jan, 2017 - 9:48pm

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Post Date: 25th Jan, 2017 - 12:58am / Post ID: #

PrincePhaedru the Hunter
A Friend

PrincePhaedru the Hunter

To whom it may concern

I have grown 5 feet and 7 inches (roughly two strides for the layman). The mop on my head is what some call golden, while others see straw. Many describe me as a shifty character, what with this slight frame and small, darting eyes. Some might still be among the living. My skin's complexion is rather wraith-like. The features my mother and father so graciously gave to me give a harsh appearance to my face. I swear I am no villain, only a simple man in the simple role of a bow. My own feelings on any arrangement we might have is most assuredly based on the needs of the party. Should you disregard mine or any others wishes or should your desires nullify the gains of the alliance in any capacity you shall find a swift pain in your shoulder followed by an eternal chill.

Your abiding ally,
Prince Phaedru

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Post Date: 25th Jan, 2017 - 1:49am / Post ID: #

PrincePhaedru the Hunter
A Friend

Hunter PrincePhaedru

Advisor Description

It was the start of the first night-watch. I was passing words with the sentries at the east road, as was my custom, when a large boy-man, dressed in a loose wool shirt, baggy cotton trousers and light pig-skin sandals and somewhat familiar skirted about. He seemed to be doing his best to conceal that he was moving towards me, so I decided to pretend I hadn't seen him yet. When he was a few steps away, I waved a good night to the sentries and turned towards him. "How were your travels, friend?" I queried, stepping towards him. His eyes flicked around him, confused that I might be talking to another. "Me?" he called. I nodded. "Ye don' 'member yer old mate now, do ye?" He grinned like a loon at me. Then it hit me like a blast. "Christi-?!" I spluttered before he rammed me with a hug. It was nearly half a minute before he let go and I was finally able to breathe out, "How did you find me? I left without notice, I'm sure… " He held up a hand and stated, "Been followin' ye." As if it were just a stroll through the gardens back home. "I left YEARS ago! How did you… " I started, then switched tact. "Why are you here?" He'd still been smiling, but when I said this it dropped clean off his face. "Heard yer mum dint I? I knew ye'd be off on bein' king an' all. Jus' dint want ye to be alone in it." I didn't know if I'd just send him back. I wasn't even sure he knew the way. I didn't even know how he'd survived in the first place. All I did know was that I was glad he was here. He was to weak willed to fight or tend wounds. He was to dull to keep records. But he was my friend and I was glad he was here.

Post Date: 25th Jan, 2017 - 9:48pm / Post ID: #

PrincePhaedru the Hunter
A Friend

PrincePhaedru the Hunter Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

The sky flashed blinding white, then faded again into a darkness that even night walkers could not pierce. Tree's flung wildly about as Phaedru trudged on, following the slightest of tracks in hope of finally capturing the blackfur stag. Peering into the void, he thought he saw a movement. Quick as the lightning above, a cloven hoof rammed his nose deep into his skull. The darkness grew ever greater...

> TOPIC: PrincePhaedru the Hunter


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