American Pastoral

American Pastoral - Movies, Music, Fashion, Sports - Posted: 17th Feb, 2017 - 3:43am

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Best of  American Pastoral 2010s
Post Date: 26th Jan, 2017 - 11:50pm / Post ID: #

American Pastoral

American Pastoral

What is your review for the entertainment value of the movie called, "American Pastoral"?

American Pastoral
American Pastoral (Hover)

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Post Date: 27th Jan, 2017 - 12:16pm / Post ID: #

Pastoral American

Seymour Levov, going by the nickname of ‘Swede’ in the Jewish community he was born into, was even more of an all-American than Douglas Fairbanks himself. He had just everything an American idol can dream of: not only was the tall muscular young man his high school star athlete but he married a beauty queen named Dawn into the bargain. And as if all this were not enough, Swede later became the successful manager of the glove factory his father had founded, which allowed him to live with his wife in a beautiful house in the New Jersey countryside. Well-mannered, always bright, smiling and positive, conservative but with a liberal edge, what bad could ever happen to him ? And yet… And yet this was reckoning without fate and its obnoxious irony, Swede and Dawn’s nemesis manifesting itself in the person of Merry, their beloved daughter who in her teens unexpectedly turned into a violent activist….

17th Feb, 2017 - 3:43am / Post ID: #

American Pastoral Sports & Fashion Music Movies

A strange movie is American Pastoral. It is full of drama that does not seem to make a final conclusion of reason or logic or maybe that is the purpose. Can anyone help me understand this movie?

> TOPIC: American Pastoral


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