Having the title "UK fired nuke at US mainland" is much different than UK fired unarmed nuclear missile near the US. The original title makes it sound like the UK deliberately fired a deadly weapon at the US, the second makes it clear the missile was not that deadly and leave room that the firing may have been incidental (So people can read the article and find out). I hate when titles are made more solicitous just to get people to read them or get people outraged.
That aside, it is worrying that the UK misfired a missile that veered toward the US during a routine test and no one was told about it. I think when renewing funding for a program, its successes as well as its failures have to be evaluated. I understand with a deterrent program like these nuclear missiles that successes are hard to measure, as who knows how many foreign leaders decided to leave the UK alone because the UK could retaliate? However, just successful and unsuccessful tests would be good information to have as well. Mrs May is playing a dangerous game.
International Level: New Activist / Political Participation: 21 2.1%
Anyone who has access to nuclear weapons are playing a deadly game. Many models have shown that no matter who starts firing first everyone will retaliate and then we have a nuclear war and many people will die. Even a small unintentional launch will cause serious havoc thus it should been seen that any misfire like this while harmless could have resulted in something horrific.