I cannot believe this. Is it an April Fool's Day joke in July? I will need to see this story widely covered by International Media before I will believe it is true. Then we will need to wait and see if it makes a difference in the violence in Northern Ireland.
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
Excuse my skepticism, but I wonder why this sudden move? I am wondering if it doesn't have something to do with them being branded as terrorist in the global conflict? Blair certainly is happy about it:
Political leaders are welcoming the Irish Republican Army's formal order for its members to renounce violence as a potentially historic step toward peace.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200.tion050728.html
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 100%
The British army has begun closing or tearing down some of its military installations in the Irish Republican Army's rural stronghold, in response to the militant group's pledge to disarm.
Ref. https://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200.ira-050729.html
I'm sure it has to do with global terrorism, and I'm also fairly certain that the IRA was pressured by the USA and the UK to do this. And I'm also fairly certain that there will always be "splinter groups" or "insurgents" who will carry on their cause, regardless of what the mainstream group decides. Perhaps the majority of the violence will now cease, but I believe there will always be those who will continue to fight for sovereignty.
All in my own opinion, of course.
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
FarSeer: I'm also fairly certain that there will always be "splinter groups" or "insurgents" who will carry on their cause |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 100%
The British government on Wednesday said it determined that an outlawed Protestant group in Northern Ireland had abandoned its commitment to a 1994 cease-fire and was an enemy of the peace.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/09/13...iots/index.html