TyrancTheGiant the Blacksmith

Tyrancthegiant Blacksmith - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 2nd Feb, 2017 - 4:14pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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Post Date: 1st Feb, 2017 - 6:22pm / Post ID: #

TyrancTheGiant the Blacksmith
A Friend

TyrancTheGiant the Blacksmith

TyrancTheGiant, stands 23ft/2in tall with a stretch mark ridden,long,muscular body. TyrancTheGiant has White hair with big grey eyes. TyrancTheGiant has black as coal skin and a rough but gentle appearance in general. TyrancTheGiant has chosen to make swords for rulers and special request by first starting a trade in weapons and Armour. TyrancTheGiant views alliances as only trust one person kind of idea. TyrancTheGiant intends to do Nothing but craft the finest weapons and Armour while slaying the worst of beasts in my path for the materials and to infuse their souls into what they will be made into in order to become the next Ruler of Kings.

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Post Date: 1st Feb, 2017 - 7:18pm / Post ID: #

TyrancTheGiant the Blacksmith
A Friend

Blacksmith TyrancTheGiant

Advisor Description

I met a small women in the dead of night and in a small ally. That I could barley fit in, she was being thrown around like a small kid in a crowd of bullies. She bared a long beautiful dress that was torn slightly by the men harassing her. In the moment I felt fear but knowing my mother's words of "treat all as if they were fragile and a treasure." I saw the girl catch my eyes as I moved closer, my black giant figure loomed over the thugs within the alleyway. When she stared at me I knew in that instant that she was crying but in silence, and wished for it to end. Then in that moment of realization the thugs looked around themselves and saw me and stopped with the girl. In that instant she got behind me and held to the calf of my leg like a small child afraid for their life. I uttered "be gone foul men, for those who are evil towards the world will receive the same punishment as they have given to it. But I will make sure the punishment is ten-thousand times worse that what you should receive." Now I have seen people run and hide in minutes from games of hide and seek as a child, But I have never seen thugs ran like little children, and faster than a bear. I got on a Knee and asked the women her name, she responded with Lyric and continued to thank me at least a million times. For a strange reason I felt as though I wanted her to be with me as a follower and she accepted with a smile. I believe she wishes to repay her debt with the saving of her life as well as be great friends with me.

Post Date: 2nd Feb, 2017 - 4:14pm / Post ID: #

TyrancTheGiant the Blacksmith
A Friend

TyrancTheGiant the Blacksmith Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections on your mother

My mother, the thoughts on my mother come only from the heart. When she was sweet, caring,upset or even angry she was always there for me.She always made sure I ate, my mother trusted me with all her heart and same as my father in the sense. She had the most beautiful hair people would say, I thought it as well and her cooking was superb. There never was anything my mother couldn't do and she taught me how to never be scared even when I should be. She is the only person I felt was perfect and still to this day I will always remember the thoughts of my mother. So no matter what even when I grow old I will surely remember the one person who brought me in to this world my mother.

> TOPIC: TyrancTheGiant the Blacksmith


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