Okay, I must fall in that stupid bracket, because I have asked at least one of those questions before. Take a look at the link below and see if you found yourself asking the same thing. (Yes answers are provided) Supid questions about Twins
This was an interesting topic to pick and research. I actually never considered allot of the questions because a couple with twins my age went to our church from a young age. Some of the questions seemed rude to me right off the bat. I have always found twins interesting though. I try not to ask silly or rude questions, but sometimes I hadn't realized that it was rude. The big one for me was the "natural" or "c-section" question. I haven't ever considered it rude because my wife always offers the information that all three of ours where from c-section. I guess I still have a lot to learn about other people. Thanks for the great link!
I found that article disappointing... we are curious by nature. I can understand how some people may find it rude to be asked, because they may be asked over and over, but that is no reason to get huffy and puffy about it. I had a very unusual birthing experience with my son, and I think it's great when people ask questions about it. I'm proud of my son and if I had twins I would be excited, thrilled and appreciative that we all survived the ordeal and I would answer everyone's questions with a smile.
...this list of silly, rude, annoying or otherwise aggravating questions that people most commonly ask us about twins and multiples |
I think some of the questions could be interpreted as rude, but others, I see no harm in, and I would put down to just general curiosity!
I have looked after several twins as a Nanny, and I found that a lot more people did tend to stop you and ask questions about them, but I think that it is just general inquisitiveness, not nastiness.
there was one family that would always dress their twins in identical clothing, people tend to expect this!
The question about the c-section or natural birth, I don't find offensive, people who have singular births get asked this too
7) How do you tell them apart? |
My Eldest Son's girlfriend is a twin, (boy and girl twins), she was telling me the other day that you'd be amazed how many people ask them if they are identical twins? , you'd think that people would know the answer to this seeing that one is male and the other female, but apparently not!