What Scares You The Most?
What in life scares you the most and how do you manage your fear of it?
The thought of public speaking causes me to shut down. Once had to give a simple speech in front of a high school English class on a written report. It was two minutes of awkward silence and stammering before I could get a coherent word out, and it didn't improve much from there.
As to how I manage it these days, this may sound funny, but I imagine myself stepping into the shoes of a character, much like I do in roleplaying games, and talking as him. The character in question is of course a lot like me, I'm not feigning a bunch of new mannerisms, just distancing myself slightly from the event.
What fears me the most right now is the state of this nation. I am one that feels that if we do not come back together as a nation we will have another civil war and that will change the face of this nation for all time. No longer will we be the United States of America. We will be forever divided and that scares me.
I'm a baby with heights. I have a tough time at amusement parks. I have to close my eyes to ride any kind of ride that is very high. It still terrifies me. Riding in a glass elevator terrifies me. I hate it. I've tried facing it as they say but it hasn't worked yet. .
It helps to prepare yourself and go slowly. Visualize the situation beforehand, and remind yourself of all the myriad reasons you are much safer than impulse suggests.
For instance, one acrophobiac I know also had a problem with glass elevators, he would always reach out and keep a hand on the glass.
What your friend suggests is called flooding. It is a rather brutal method to get over phobias.
It is known in some cases to work, effecting a rapid cure. It is known in other cases to cause severe psychological trauma and to make phobias worse.
I wouldn't recommend it, especially in a situation like that where failing to overcome fear is extremely dangerous.
What scares me are the things I don't know. Are aliens watching us? Is Russia going to blow us up? Is there going to be another mall shooting or 911, things like that.