Winners & Losers In Ruler Of Kings II

Winners Losers Ruler Kings Ii - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 23rd Feb, 2017 - 8:44pm

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Winners Losers Text Roleplaying FAQ: How do I know when I am the Ruler of Kings? This Thread focuses on the various ways you can win and keep on winning in Ruler of Kings II
21st Feb, 2017 - 4:24pm / Post ID: #

Winners & Losers In Ruler Of Kings II

Winners & Losers In Ruler Of Kings II

First, let me answer the question that is probably on your mind: "How do I know when I am the Ruler of Kings" in the game? When you are crowned "Ruler of Kings" then you will know it because it will be part of the story.

There is a Top Leader ladder that acts as a psuedo marker for how Players are doing and who might likely be the Ruler of Kings, however ROK II has and will have so many aspects to it that determining the ultimate Ruler of Kings will be based on many factors not even coded yet. This does not mean ROK II isn't playable - it is definitely playable because you can endlessly grow your Character through adventure.

Now, let me address the confusion about who is a "Winner" and "Loser" in ROK II. Everyone is a "Winner" in ROK II because every time you play you contribute to the input of the game. That may be too cliche an answer, so to be more specific, "Winning" is essentially what you want out of ROK II. Many forget that ROK II is a story YOU create, therefore let me break it down like this:

1. If you are merely playing for your own Character then you do not ever need to worry who is on the top because you make your own story and other Players cannot get in your way or stop you save for the secondary Army Combat.

2. If you want to be the Ruler of Kings but want to go at your pace then you can do that. You see everyone will have a chance to be Ruler of Kings and the current Ruler will have to defend his crown. That's right, just because you become Ruler of Kings doesn't mean the game is over… it continues as now you have to defend it!

3. If you are merely there to play the part of a lone hero / heroine then you can do that too. You do not have to pursue being a King or a Ruler of Kings if you do not want it. In fact, Ruler of Kings does not force anything on you… you go at your own pace.

4. If you are the competitive type and want to go all out to be at the top then you go for it, but just remember Rome was built one brick at a time, so make sure you smell the roses along the way. New Players especially make the mistake of thinking ROK II will tell them how to win when in fact it is a discovery… a period of learning and then adventuring in order to fully realize how the game makes your Character a hero through correct actions rather than impulses or haste.

5. For those who are frustrated or expect a Monthy Hall reward system (Get plenty for doing little): hand in hand with what I wrote above is the content of this Thread: Text Role-playing Games: Reading vs Comprehension. Basically, Players are told in the story: Do not take the path on the left… and what do they do? That's right, take the path on the left expecting a different outcome. To these Players I beg the question, "Do you know the definition of insanity?"

More: Ruler Of Kings Text Role-playing Game FAQ & Videos

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21st Feb, 2017 - 4:36pm / Post ID: #

II Kings Ruler Losers and Winners

Q. So there are no "Losers" in ROK II?
A. Yes, you Lose when you stop playing… when your Character dies and I qualify that as Losing because in both cases you can do something about it. ROK II goes out of its way to give you a chance to recover your Character each and every time.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 1:00pm / Post ID: #

Winners & Losers In Ruler Of Kings II Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

I am definitely #4 but play like #2 for now. My character has not died and I intend to keep it that way by playing smart. Does that make me a winner? wink.gif.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 5:09pm / Post ID: #

II Kings Ruler Losers and Winners

Well I can very much understand this, though given a major focus or motivation with the game in the very name of "Ruler of Kings" it means many will go in with the assumption that their goal is to become Top Dog.

Even I feel this competitiveness, and while it was not working out well for Jonathon with the idea that he'd make a better power behind the throne. Aaroni though is more focused for the intent of the game with a drive to see things to the end.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 5:46pm / Post ID: #

II Kings Ruler Losers and Winners

Just being able to survive ROK II is winning enough for me. I can't even think about trying to be a king or a ruler until I get to where I feel totally comfortable in combat.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 5:53pm / Post ID: #

Winners & Losers In Ruler Of Kings II

Well if your character needs any advice, I am sure Aaroni might be willing to offer such. That, or check Goldendawn's introduction thread as I did offer some insight there.

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Post Date: 23rd Feb, 2017 - 8:32pm / Post ID: #

Winners & Losers In Ruler Of Kings II
A Friend

Winners & Losers Ruler Kings II

Any way you look at it all of the players are winners. While I am in first place with the most experience it is not always the one who has the most experience that wins the race. I am sure as it goes on more and more things will prove that you do not need to have the most experience to win. Maybe the best army is what it takes. Or the best generals. I believe a lot will be going into the game that will take a lot of different things into account.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

Winners & Losers Ruler Kings II Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Yes, well I cannot help but feel you having so many forum points solidly secured a place in first. Still, perhaps many of us can still give a fighting chance.

Coughs, that is, despite there not being any winners or losers and it is more how you play the game. The only losers being those who give up.

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