Cocaine Alters Brain Cells
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A number of studies presented at the 36th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, being held this week in Atlanta, show that cocaine use negatively affects the functioning of neurons (cells located in the brain and spinal cord), primarily in the prefrontal cortex, but also in a number of other areas in the brain.
Ref. https://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061018/hl_nm/cocaine_control_dc
These reports often state the obvious, maybe they hope to convice someone that they are killing their brain cells? I doubt most drug users really care.
Cocaine is also known to infiltrate and deplete your bank account, deprive you of sleep, causes impotence, lessen the quality of your work and make you break the law. Hope this isnt a news flash... Edited: Vincenzo on 23rd Mar, 2008 - 2:07am
Cocaine addiction leads to build-up of iron in brain
Cocaine addiction may affect how the body processes iron, leading to a build-up of the mineral in the brain, according to new research. The study raises hopes that there may be a biomarker -- a biological measure of addiction -- that could be used as a target for future treatments. Ref. Source 2t.