Can I Have Multiple Text RPG ROK II Characters?

Can Multiple Text Rpg Rok Ii Characters - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 23rd Feb, 2017 - 7:41pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

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More Text RPG Characters You can have more than one Character in ROK II so long as you meet certain conditions. Read this Thread to find out.
22nd Feb, 2017 - 3:25pm / Post ID: #

Can I Have Multiple Text RPG ROK II Characters?

Can I Have Multiple Text Role-playing Game ROK II Characters?

Yes, you can have more than one Character played simultaneously with some restrictions, therefore please read all below:

We know some Players have already done this (Create multiple accounts) in order to play ROK II although you're not allowed to have multiple accounts in the Community. They usually do this to get passed the FP requirement when their Character dies and they have used up the free FP that comes with their new accounts or to make alternative Characters to see what happens in the story. When they are caught such accounts are deleted and in some cases the Member is banned.

Note: If you just want to start over your Character you can do that without having to create multiple Characters. Please use the "Abandon" option at the bottom of your Character Sheet to being the process of re-creating your Character.

Now, we figured we will allow multiple Characters for the sake of being able to play ROK II with different Characters but here are the conditions and how you qualify:

ROK II Multiple Character Conditions

1. You may create ONE additional Membership account IF your original Membership account is currently Premium. To get a Premium account in order to have an additional Character see: Donate.

2. If you currently have a Premium Account then go ahead and create a new Membership and in your Introduction state that it is a Secondary Membership for the purpose of ROK II.

You must use a valid Email address as your Secondary Email address. If for some reason you do not have a Secondary Email address and you will be making that Secondary Character a Premium Secondary Character then please let us know and we will create the account for you with an Email address that is blocked (Gets no Email).

Your Additional Membership account will be labelled "Role-play Gamer" which is a Group Status that was previously used for JB's custom Role-playing Games but will now be used to mean that it is a Secondary Membership for a current Premium Member.

3. Secondary accounts will only be able to Post in the Introduction and Text Role-playing Game Boards and have no other privileges.

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22nd Feb, 2017 - 3:31pm / Post ID: #

Characters II ROK RPG Text Multiple I Can

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I make my Secondary account Premium to access certain things in ROK II?
A. Yes you can but you will not get Premium access to the rest of the Community using a Secondary Premium Account.

Q. Can I have 2, 3 or even 4 Characters in ROK II?
Yes, you can but for each additional Character you will need to make each one Premium. Therefore if you want 10 additional Characters besides the one you get as a Premium Member then you need to get 10 Premium Memberships.

Post Date: 22nd Feb, 2017 - 3:32pm / Post ID: #

Can I Have Multiple Text RPG ROK II Characters?
A Friend

Can I Have Multiple Text RPG ROK II Characters? Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

That is very interesting to know. I have thought about having another character in ROKII as I have learned a lot playing my first character. I will have to think about this and if I do decide to have a second character I will create a account and let you know that it is my secondary ROKII player account.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 1:06pm / Post ID: #

Characters II ROK RPG Text Multiple I Can

That's a great feature to add in JB. I will keep an eye out for those who use it and any tricks they might want to play by causing a double team against other characters.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 5:03pm / Post ID: #

Characters II ROK RPG Text Multiple I Can

I would just like to thank you JB for allowing me to create a second account and character before you make anything official. That, and by you doing so it allowed me not to have to keep thing secret. This works out much better, especially in the long run.

I'm am glad to see there is now a way people can create a new character without deleting their old one if a member so desires. This can allow others to try again or a different path, especially if they have made many mistakes with their first like myself.

23rd Feb, 2017 - 5:54pm / Post ID: #

Can I Have Multiple Text RPG ROK II Characters?

That brings up something interesting. Why would you want to keep an old character if its not working out. Is it just sentimental value?

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23rd Feb, 2017 - 6:01pm / Post ID: #

Can I Multiple Text RPG ROK II Characters

Sentimental value, the money I put into him, the time and effort, as well the hope that as the game advances I can better find a place for my first character. He can work, just perhaps simply not as a ruler of kings.

I did have a bit of roleplay I had started with another player where it was discussed our characters team up with Jonathon helping him become ruler of kings while he manipulated things from the background in the shadows using his vast skills and talents.

The puppetmaster who controlled the court and made sure everything ran smoothly in the background while the other worked from the front in the public eye as the one wearing the crown. His character being the strong warrior standing as leader and my character the smart or skillful one working on the other details.

Reconcile Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Feb, 2017 - 7:44pm

Post Date: 23rd Feb, 2017 - 7:41pm / Post ID: #

Can I Have Multiple Text RPG ROK II Characters?
A Friend

Can I Multiple Text RPG ROK II Characters Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post

Well at least we all know how that character gained levels so quickly. Having a character that you experienced things with and tested out part of the system with helps when you take another character through. You know more of what to do and how to achieve all that you wish. It is like having a test the waters character for a better character come in behind.

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