VX - Nerve Agent

Vx Nerve Agent - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 25th Feb, 2017 - 4:11pm

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24th Feb, 2017 - 9:48pm / Post ID: #

VX - Nerve Agent

VX - Nerve Agent

The VX - Nerve Agent, from my understanding, is a binary chemical capable of killing someone within a few minutes. Binary in that it its chemical components can be separated and then mixed into one to become VX. It is considered a weapon of mass destruction and worst of all… it is odorless so cannot be easily detected. Considering the use of this chemical agent allegedly by the North Koreans one has to think that kills from an enemy source may not come in the form of bombs or fiery displays but in silent killers like the internationally banned VX. It is a worrying thought. Thoughts?

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Post Date: 24th Feb, 2017 - 10:19pm / Post ID: #

VX - Nerve Agent
A Friend

Agent Nerve VX

This is tremendously worrying. That is why we have an entity within our Intelligence Community dedicated to countering proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). This agency is the National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC). Tremendous harm can be done to this country with or any country with a weapon like this. Worse, it takes very little to kill hundreds or thousands of people. And, this is just one of many weapons like this that can kill hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands indiscriminately. A country reckless enough to use this so brazenly needs to be punished by the whole world. And the man in charge of this country needs to be taken into custody, tried in an international court of law, found guilty of crimes against his own people and humanity, and hung by the neck until dead.

Post Date: 24th Feb, 2017 - 11:31pm / Post ID: #

VX - Nerve Agent
A Friend

VX - Nerve Agent History & Civil Business Politics

I believe I have read a report that there are still areas that are off limits to people in Europe due to the mustard gasses used in WWI. Now that has been over a 100 years ago and the gas can still effect and kill people. Now we have someone who can unleash the VX nerve agent on people without them knowing it is there or any way of detecting it. How many people mostly non combatants will be killed because of the use of this weapon. Weapons like this and Nuclear are very dangerous and needs to be better controlled.

Post Date: 24th Feb, 2017 - 11:35pm / Post ID: #

VX - Nerve Agent
A Friend

Agent Nerve VX

The issue isn't just control, or perhaps it's more than controlling the weapons. We have to figure out how to control the people, nuts in some cases, who control these weapons. Could you imagine the pandemonium if someone were to have a couple people dispersing this in a crowded subway, or at a mall, or anywhere a lot of people congregate? The world should come together this time and bring the nutcase in NK to justice.

Post Date: 25th Feb, 2017 - 4:06am / Post ID: #

VX - Nerve Agent
A Friend

Agent Nerve VX

We have more than just one nut job in NK. They are all over the world. If we invaded or many people tried to take him out of power in NK then that could start WWI since I believe China will defend him.

Post Date: 25th Feb, 2017 - 11:51am / Post ID: #

VX - Nerve Agent
A Friend

VX - Nerve Agent

I think after this latest stunt China is getting sick and tired of him. If they wouldn't join then it makes an attack untenable since he could escape going that way and as you say, it could start WW I.

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Post Date: 25th Feb, 2017 - 3:58pm / Post ID: #

VX - Nerve Agent
A Friend

VX Nerve Agent

While China has shown that they do not always see to eye to eye with the leader of NK I believe them having access to the VX nerve agent may have come from them. That is if he has it. I know he has said things before that were not quite true. I guess we will have to remain vigilant and see what takes place.

Post Date: 25th Feb, 2017 - 4:11pm / Post ID: #

VX - Nerve Agent
A Friend

VX Nerve Agent Politics Business Civil & History

Really, you think China may have either it to NK or helped them develop it? I didn't think along those lines. I figured a country that developed a nuke capable of developing nerve gas. That's an interesting twist. I hope you are wrong because if you are right that makes China more dangerous. I say that because giving nerve gas to a nut means they sometimes make I'll advised decisions.

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