To Command & To Obey

To Command Obey - Psychology, Special Needs, Health - Posted: 1st Aug, 2008 - 9:10pm

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1st Aug, 2008 - 12:08am / Post ID: #

To Command & To Obey

To Command & To Obey

Unless you are in Command, you are always in a position to obey. Anyone care to philosophize on that?

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Post Date: 1st Aug, 2008 - 4:05pm / Post ID: #

To Command & To Obey
A Friend

Obey and Command To

If you command it I guess I will have to obey and post on it. biggrin.gif

I believe that we all have to obey the laws of the land. To be known as a good person or to be moral and just one has to obey the laws that are around them. We rarely get to be a position where we can command things. We do have command over our life and we command ourselves on how we are to act in a situation. Many parents have command over their children and use that command to teach them how to be a morally good person too. This way when they are adults they can obey all of the laws of the land.

Reconcile Message Edited...
JB: Removed the religious references.

1st Aug, 2008 - 9:03pm / Post ID: #

To Command & To Obey Health & Special Psychology

Regardless of whether you are in command or not, you are always in a position to obey - or not. You always have a choice. Even if you are in command you are still subject to the laws of nature, and human nature. A good commander is also a good leader. There is a difference. A good leader will usually have better compliance by setting a good example to follow in contrast to a commander who dictates orders and expects them to be obeyed. How well the person in command is "obeyed" has a direct correlation to how good of a leader they are.

Reconcile Message Edited...
JB: Removed religious references.

1st Aug, 2008 - 9:10pm / Post ID: #

Obey and Command To

I appreciate the responses, but we are on the Philosophy Board (see the Read Me Thread), God does not come into Discussion here or any Religious views.

> TOPIC: To Command & To Obey


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