Ebola Terror Threat Suicide Bio-Weapons Threatens Multiple 9/11's, Global Plague:
Those that automatically dismiss this as just scaremongering need to realise that this is about as low tech as suicidal terror tactics go as no combat training or concealed explosives are necessary to achieve terror on a scale of the 9/11 Ref. Source 1
Bio-warfare - This kind of warfare is scary because its worst than snipers. Even with snipers you can hear the bullet or see the result instatly but with bio-warfare you can't see it coming or worst you can be infected with something an think you're OK, Then next thing you know a couple of days after you're dead and you've already helped to infect everyone around you. That kind of bio-warfare could be the same like how ant bate kills ants' nest. They take the bait back to their home and infect everyone else with the poison / virus.
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 44 4.4%