Alaska Climate Change
Discussion about Climate Change in Alaska. How has global Climate Change affected Alaska?
Are there many Environmentalist in Alaska actively protesting abuse of the Environment, Alaska Global Warming, etc.? What is the influence of Alaska Climate Change on the country? Who are the most known Alaska Environmentalist?
Wildfires to increase in Alaska with future climate change
Climate change is melting glaciers, reducing sea-ice cover and increasing wildlife activity -- with some of the most dramatic impacts occurring in the northern high latitudes. New research projects an increased probability of fires occurring in Alaskan boreal forest and tundra under a warmer, drier climate. Ref. Source 5v.
Carbon potential of Alaska lands
Through geologic time the cold temperatures of Alaska have led to the storage of vast quantities of soil and biomass carbon. A major concern for this region is how interactions among warming, permafrost thaw, more frequent wildfires, and changes in stream flow will affect carbon storage and greenhouse gas exchange. Ref. Source 4d.