Military Generals Fraternizing With Soldiers
If a commanding officer fraternizes with a subordinate is that a good or bad thing? Why?
It's a bad thing… always. First, it's often the case that the person with seniority is using that seniority for favors. Second, it puts everyone in a bad situation. As KN said, this is true even if the person isn't directly in the chain of command. Suppose the lower ranking person does something wrong and has to be reprimanded, will the officer in charge of that person think twice or perhaps reduce the punishment because he/she doesn't want to upset the higher ranking person?
Yes, as Daishain said, the rules are there for a reason. They should be followed. And this comes from a guy with an SF background. I'm not a huge rule follower and I will bend rules to accomplish the mission… but this is one rule that there is no logical reason to bend or break.