President Donald Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan have gone public with their war against the House Freedom Caucus, a week after the GOP health care bill crashed amid partisan infighting.
Trump appeared to target conservative House members in his own party in a tweet Thursday morning that told his supporters "We must fight" the House Freedom Caucus as well as Democrats next year.
Trump's message came soon after Ryan made clear that if his party can't unify, Trump will likely turn toward Democrats for future legislative deals.
Speaking to reporters later Thursday, Ryan amplified Trump's comments: ”I share the frustration." Ref. CNN.
I for one am tired of all this political infighting. I would hope that our politians will stop fighting and start doing things for the American people. IF not I say that the American people need to make a vote of no confidence in our congress and vote them all out.
I wish we would actually do that. It would put some fear into them and remind them they work for us. Unfortunately, for the most part we seem to blame everything on the other guy or gal, the other party, the person the other voted for, etc. This is born out by the fact our approval rating of Congress hovers in the low teens and yet we reelect them around the 90% rate and our approval of our own representatives average around 80% and our Senators around 60%. So, the bottom line is we have the Government we elected and apparently the Government we want as a Nation… and that is sad.
I think we occasionally get to 50% or slightly over during the Presidential cycle, but I'm not sure and too lazy tonight to Google it. During the off years I know we don't reach 50%, and that is a darn shame since all of our Representatives and 1/3 of our Senators are up for election as well as local and state elections.
The answer is term limits. I fully believe that. It will never happen though because they won't vote to restrict themselves like that. Staying in office for a lifetime is conducive to corruption. They should serve a term or two and then go home and work like the rest of us.
You are right on target with this. And the way the Founding Fathers framed things was just like that. Service in government was looked upon as a duty, an obligation that would be a burden. Then, after serving a few terms you go back to your real profession. Now it's become a way to enrich yourself, amass power, and remain a lifelong job. And it corrupts along the way and does so in insidious ways. I'm sure the vast majority of people who go to DC go with good intentions. But as they stay they become detached. They start to think that only they know best. They believe they have to stay to "Fix" things. Then they'll do whatever it takes to remain and therein lies the corruption.
The people have the power to force trem limits if the congress does noy. Getting the people to do it however will be like pulling teeth. The sheep will resist and we will just sit here and twiddle our collective thumbs. I have a feeling we are headed for a great change and that will change the face of this planet. Whether for good or bad that has yet to be seen.