Nightlain, what KNtoran said is true. Here is the link to it: International Forum Gallery. On wider screens sometimes there is a feature gallery column shown as well for the latest photos.
Thank you everyone. The link Support gave helped me find it, but I think it would be better for me to be a little more active before I start sharing my art.
It's been several days and I'm still quite happy here. I'm finally getting my character's Soul up in ROK II. It was causing me to fail an awful lot of rolls. It's challenging but definitely rewarding.
Soon I might try my hand at writing a Town Hall description once I get some time alone to focus and try to imagine how it might look.
With this talk of Dungeons & Dragons I had to go on a hunt on my computer to see if I had the PDF file for my Pathfinder gestault Summoner-Ninja with her tentacle monster. I do! That makes me very happy; one day I will return her from retirement so she can torment others with Mr. Tentacles (Who has a real name that nobody ever used).
I'm afraid I didn't get to enjoy her as long as I would have liked; it was at my ex boyfriend's uncles house. The PDF appears to be a level 1 version, which means it didn't get updated with the paper version. Oh well, at least I have the first level mockup. My Eidolon did had a grapple check of at least 40 at one point, was flying, and had Frightful Presence.