Do you like the newsletters we send now and again? Do you read them or do you tend to hit the delete button when you see it? Is there something more or even less you would like to see in the newsletter?
Probably a bit late for this response but a response nontheless. The few newsletters I received from this forum before it was discontinued; I read them thoroughly. I thought them to be very interesting and informative. I would have probably liked to have seen some forum stats in the newsletters since I am a numbers type of guy. But thats just me
It has not been discontinued, we still send out newsletters, but not for every update - mostly when something major takes place, but we are glad that you take the time to read them as it helps to prevent users from asking... 'how do you this?', and 'why is this happening?'.
I'm in the middle of reading it and skimming it, if that makes sense. I don't sit there and read it and sit and ponder on it, but I don't read one sentence from every topic. I like getting them because I like knowing what's going on with the site. Granted I've only gotten one or two because I haven't been around very long, but I do look forward to finding out what the admins have been up to making it better for us regular folk.
I skim through them immediately looking for things I find of interest. I have always enjoyed receiving them.
I have found that most Members really do not know what is going on unless they read the Newsletters, because the updates thread is sometimes ignored due to the number of intense topics. For this reason at times I have decided to increase sending them, especially with what is needed at the time such as Votes by Members, a certain Board that is lacking, etc. Of course I need not remind anyone of Upgrading.
I try to read my newsletters quite thoroughly, as soon as I receive them.
I mainly do this for the reason that here in the UK, we are a full 6 hours ahead of the US in our time, so I find that unless I go back and check all the posts from the last time I was online, I normally end up missing pieces of important information.
I find that the newsletter, sums everything up for me that I may have missed,so therefore, I find it invaluable!
I find the newsletter a valuable addition to my inbox each time it arrives. There are so many times that I simply am unable to be online at my computer yet my phone will still ensure that I am able to get my e-mail at any cost. This gives me a chance many days to know what is going on while I am away and I then have time to make sure all of my stuff is in order to post as soon as I return. It is very nice to get a newsletter pop up when I am in a bad mood at work because it distracts me from what is bothering me and gives me a few minutes to think about the forum. This assists me getting through the day peacefully some days.